The first move

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Chapter 1

The introduction

"Thanks you Mr. Holmes, I had not enough trust on you, but as evidence prove, I believe even if it is hard to." Said the random client whose case have been solved in minutes.
"Oh good now I'm the only one dissatisfied. Thanks you! See you never again." Says Holmes as he gets back to his desk which was unusually clean.

His companion, Dr. John Watson, was having a bad time, controlling Holmes of not saying nothing more hurting other people.
"May I know what dissatisfies you, Sherlock?" Inquired Watson.

As he strides through his colorless carpet he replied-
"Look at us John, can another consulting detective in the world be more miserable? I disgust myself by solving these, Look, Look here-

This guy's case is pickpocket, since when did such small theft reach my table?
And this little boy has written a letter to me to find his Lego.
Not me, but you disgust and insult me from bringing such cases even into my hall."
"Our hall, Sherlock." Corrected John.
"Yes! Our hall it is" Sherlock Yelled.

After almost hours, the bell rang. Mrs. Hudson rushed to the door to welcome their usual guest.
She reached the door and before opening she said
"You shall come in Lestrade"
"Sherlock is spreading his powers, as we see Mrs. Hudson can say who is behind the door before she sees them."

"Say, Lestrade, who else comes here other than you at this hour of time?"
remarked Mrs. Hudson.

"You are sounding more like Sherlock" Complimented Lestrade and went up the stairs.

As he opened the door, the umbrella which belonged downstairs was flying towards Lestrade. His quick actions saved him from his eye getting poked.

"'Afternoon Inspector, it is good to have your help here."
As Lestrade saw inside, Watson was wrestling someone in the chair.
"Sherlock! For god's sake. Are you going mad? Drop the gun." Watson ordered.

"Lestrade knows the answer for this John, look at him." Sherlock pushed Watson to the corner and held the gun to his face.
John was not scared as he knew what to do next. He pushed the gun to his left, pulled his hand and tripped his leg making Sherlock fall to the ground.

"Always an army man, and the gun is empty" Lestrade said as he sat down.

"Now doctor please be seated for this may give him a good mood." Lestrade was serious.
They both sat in their respective chairs and Sherlock was listening carefully.

May I remind you that yesterday after the parade practice, the army returned home for holidays. It was a usual day.
Today, at 3pm nearly, 3 parallel street residents were found dead."

"Yes! After a long time of these, we are back John, we are back. Tell me more Lestrade, it must be someone who is of high importance, as we see there is no news on the internet yet."

"Please continue, he is just enthusiastic as three people are dead." Watson was feeling bad.
Lestrade continued,
"Interesting more is that in those 3 parallel street, it is the House No.5 in all streets the murder has happened. And they were all.."
"Soldiers" completed Sherlock.

"I must've reminded you about the soldiers returning home, later. Well anyway you are right Holmes. 3 soldiers, and they belonged to the same squad of security and state defense. For I must add, the best at security."

"Oh" was what Sherlock could say. He was amused. In the morning about 4 hours ago he was yelling about his boring cases and this happens in the evening.
"Sherlock?" John was amused that his enthusiasm went into silence. Usually he would go as soon as possible but he is sitting in his chair still, after being handed over a case of murder after a long time.

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