The Reveal

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The Reveal

"So, you're saying, there is someone, who planned all this. Sent the delivery to each of them. Has a trained killer nearby us, using him watch if the deaths are clear, And he also is watching and hearing us?" Watson was using his IQ to his extent.
"Exactly what I am saying!" exclaimed Holmes.
"And now you want us to find it?" Lestrade asked.

"Of course, it is the only way to contact him. We cannot have someone to spy us. And I must have known when our last client came in here 20 times so that he forgot him kerchief. He is the one who must have implanted it." Sherlock said irritated.
"But he went through every inch of this place making it hard for us to pinpoint the exact place of where he placed it." Watson added.
"Lestrade, please close this case. We have no evidence. Say you are working on it. Keep the files at home." Sherlock advised.

As he left to do so, it was just John and Sherlock.

They both started together at the same place, planning to go on both sides.
Holmes looked into vases, under desks and carpets, while John looked behind his computer, the bookshelf and the kitchen fully.

Not long from then, Sherlock found the camera. It was in plain sight, causing it to be less observed. It was on the chair in the corner of the room.

While John found the mic right under his chair.
"I didn't think this would be done such earlier." John remarked.

The bell rang again.
"It's him" said Sherlock.

There was the card on their doorstep, the one which they were expecting for, plain and good, with black letters on it.

"Good job. Rather don't break them. It is the only way you can contact me. And don't think of following people who give the letter. They're just normal people instructed to do so with their family at stake.

With fun

"Hide the camera, keep the mic where he can hear us. I want him keep up." Sherlock commanded.

They chose the spot to be the desk, where the mic can be placed so that he can hear them.

Two days passed since the last card. Nothing came up. Sherlock was waiting.
And the day came.

The bell rang and Sherlock reached the door in seconds before anyone could. He saw there was a letter, instead of a usual card, in the doorstep.

"Instructions, I presume" Sherlock opened the cover.

Neat cover, something that was bought in a daily shop. The instructions were in a white sheet printed. More like a letter.

It read-

Good evening, Sherlock Holmes.
I approach you with another game. I have instructed by threatening one innocent man, to kidnap the business woman, Amelia. You have time till tonight. Find where she is and rescue her. Or I shall instruct him to kill her. You shall have time till 8PM.


"This is torture." Yelled John.
"He cannot threaten people like that" he added.

"John we have no time to waste, we only have two hours. Call Lestrade, tell me all these. I have to get more proof." Sherlock said in a tense voice.

He went into the internet to find Amelia was indeed missing from afternoon. He got to think fast in order to save her.

Lestrade took his least time to arrive. He had bought the footages of her leaving her office, the camera in front of her house and the cameras which were inside.
"The cameras show that Damain Rook, her personal assistant and her went in the car, we can see both of them leave in the car, it's the usual driver who was pushed down by one of them midway." Lestrade acknowledged. "It is not tampered. I know it because Amelia herself only can access the footage. We had to break open her room to get this."

"I want to see the driver." Sherlock requested.
They went to the station where he was held as evidence.

"I have one question for you, did you see who pushed you out?" Sherlock asked.
"No, I was driving in traffic, suddenly they pushed me outside. I do not remember from which side they did, stopping me from alluding to who did." The driver shared as he thought of who pushed him.

Holmes started to think. Rook was in the back seat. If even any one of them pushed the driver the car would have collapsed causing some blocking in the street. But there was nothing in there as he said so.

"Lestrade, he is lying. Get something out of him somehow" Sherlock was frustrated. "I have to look more in the footage to find anything I missed.

Hours passed. They now had half an hour.
"I need files. Previous sightings of Amelia at a party, or any enimies she has." Sherlock demanded.
"You just read the data which has her opponents, as far parties, here. These are her personal copies of photos of herself in each of her latest parties." John was helping him out, while Lestrade was looking for any kind of clue available at Amelia's home.

Holmes went through each and every file. All those photos, everything was just the same picture of herself enjoying parties.

Now Holmes went back into the footage again. He played it.
He saw the car with number 1171 come out. His driver wearing a blue colored overcoat and a black glass. Amelia herself wearing a yellow dress which had flowers over the whole dress.

"Wait." Sherlock paused "Oh my god. John look at this. Oh no. This is it. We have 20 minutes and fortunately Lestrade is back at the door. Call him in"

John ran and bought him over.
"No questions. Look at this. Her dress. And this picture of her party two days ago." Everyone was shocked to see it was the same.

"It has been tampered with, Rook knew how to tamper with it" Watson exclaimed.
"It was rook who kidnapped her." Lestrade said.

"Yes you are right. We have to go to the station" Sherlock said while he asked them to be quiet in action.
When they all got out of there, Sherlock started talking.

"Rook is innocent. Only Amelia could tamper with the footage. And she kidnapped Rook. Just think. In front of all these security, Amelia is the only one who could take someone with her. She took rook, kept him somewhere and is faking to be missing." Sherlock explained.

"But this is just a theory." Watson pointed.
"As always." Holmes added.

"We have only 1 minute to reply." Lestrade shouted.
they rushed back in and took the mic in hand.

"Good evening Amelia Miller." Sherlock spoke. "well played. I have your identity. And I have now proof that you kidnapped and killed Mr. Damain Rook. Good luck."

After he had said this, his phone rang.

He gave a look at John and attended the call.
"Evening Sherlock Holmes." A very soft voice spoke. "Well played. But sorry that you couldn't save Mr. Rook." Sherlock banged his table

"I cannot be playing with cards forever, can I? That is why I set up this game for you to know my identity." She said.
"She played us" Said Holmes irritated

"Yes Mr. Holmes, I did." She replied.

"Good playing with you. For your move has hit harder." She paused. "We still have a lot of time to play around Mr. Holmes. I hope this goes as intended. See you soon." And she hung up.

"Holmes, she played you, wanted you to reveal her identity. And you did. Careful for she might make her move now." Lestrade warned.

"Let us see, Inspector." Sherlock replied

And the bell rang again, as the trio was shocked to what lies ahead.


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