The story of Her Majesty

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The story of Her Majesty

With utmost delicacy and softness in his voice, Holmes asked "What was that miss?"

"Revenge Mr. Holmes. Mr. Robern" Her voice cracked when she told the name "killed my parents. And in return, I used him for my plans, for latter I killed him."
Holmes turned to Lestrade to confirm if he had recorded her perfect statement.
Lestrade nodded assuring Holmes for his deed done.

"I shall call you back Mr. Holmes, you still have one case. I shall narrate it myself. And you get your motive behind the murders." And she hung up.

No one spoke a word.
John quietly took away the mic and hid it under layers of fabrics.

As he returned,
"Holmes, if you remember, I just informed Amelia's parents about her arrest, and you mustve hear that she just said Mr. Robern killed her parents."

"Someone is using her. Pawn, Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen. The king is playing so well. He is the one. Nicely played, not one would miss a king when they have everything else. Lestrade, I need all information about Amelia. You may leave and shall return anytime soon you get hands on files."

He turned to John.
"She might call very soon John, so please do stay for a little more time. She's in a basement. I can hear echoes. All the letters were pre-written.
Packages and anything they sent were packed very earlier. It's not her who is giving instructions, it is merely someone else who has been planning for this for so long."

The phone rang again. Sherlock picked it up. Eagerly waiting for answers and clues.
Before he could answer it, he said "She need not know of us knowing someone else ordering her." And he answered the call

"I can see your eagerness Mr. Holmes, you see,

When I was thirteen, I was an orphan, my recent parents adopted me at the age of twenty-one. Before, I was Amelia Bough. I was in the streets, when a random stranger helped me.

His name was Arthur Lee King." The name instantly confirmed that King was still in play. Holmes looked over at John who nodded alluding he understood.

"One of the nobles in France, King was. He took me in Mr. Holmes.

He lived in a palace for a house. In I would go sliding through the marble floors, enjoying myself. He gave me a job; I shall tell you what it is later.
King had a small business which might interest you Mr. Holmes."

Sherlock started in the internet to search something up alternatively while listening keenly to her story.

"King trusted me the most. I was the most loyal person to him. Most grateful to say. And I had a part in the business. It was not a big one. Just of mere 8 members including me, saving the king. The business was Murder, Mr. Holmes. Assassination. We were collectively called The Castle. It included the three soldiers, Mr. Rook and myself. Mr. Robern, and Ms. Genaiva and at last, King.

The three soldiers were of America, moles for us. Robern and Genaiva were assassins, in which Genaiva was technically and chemically able. And now, for myself, I ensured everyone's missions and timetable."

"Trained at a young age. The excellent planner." Remarked Holmes and asked her to continue.

"We all worked under the coordination of King. All kinds of happy sad days we were together, but for now I talk about just one. Christmas of '89 Mr. Holmes.

A week or more before Christmas, there started a riot between Robern and King. I never knew for what they argued on but every time, it had big outcomes. On the very day of Christmas, I was sitting outside with everyone. We had gifted to each other, for king gave us paychecks. I remember that I gifted flowers, the soldiers gave good rings, genaiva gifted him the exquisite perfume of 1889, special leather puff, and extra rounded with gold. Robern bought him the old wine, which men enjoyed. After a while, I saw them argue again. It was furious this time. They were hurling things at each other. After a while, I saw Robern leave. And inside, King was collapsing. And that was it Mr. Holmes." She took a breath.

"Autopsy couldn't find anything, no poison in any gift, no wounds, no violence, just death. The funeral was simple. Just me and Genaiva was there and no one else. Everyone, vanished.

Now solve this Mr. Holmes. You got the motive." And she hung up.

Holmes had completed his search. He turned to John,
"Narrate this to Lestrade he is here. And I would like some solitude. Meet me tomorrow in the park at 11 in the morning."

He went outside, and on the way, collected numourous files from Lestrade. He opened the door and found case files regarded to everything the police had collect from King.

"See you Gentlemen tomorrow." And he was off.
"What happened, Dr. Watson?" And the doctor started his narrative.
And they gave hopes on Sherlock Holmes, expecting an answer to a mystery.


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