My Move Mr. Holmes

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My Move Mr. Holmes.

"It's the instructions." Holmes whispered.
"This soon?" Asked John in shock. He knew they are not going to sleep today.

They all reached the door to collect the letter which had scarlet words printed in it.

"Genaiva, a scientist, has been found dead 1 hour ago. Find out what happened to her. You might find something interesting."


Lestrade quickly found a taxi. He knew Genaiva from the drugs case from last month.

"She works on drugs, Sherlock. Mostly finds out the side effects and discovers medicines with them." Lestrade acknowledged.

But Holmes was thinking something different. He was so near in his mind to locate the place where Amelia was. He was thinking all over his ride, until they reached their destination.

The house was a palace, in white and simple. Inside there were no decorations. Some photos of herself with her mother.
"She lives alone." Sherlock observed. "No rooms occupied other than hers."

And the one which was hers was full of cops. In there, she was lying down. Her eyes red, he nose with white powder around.

Death by drugs.

Holmes looked around for more proof. Nothing was moved, nothing broken. The bed was laid perfect on which she was lying on. And she had one letter written on blood in her hand.


Holmes now went to the other rooms. Kitchen was neat. Tables show no powders. Indicating.

"She is not a drug addict, but why did she die?" Sherlock asked Watson.
"I can't say Holmes. She is dead due to overdose of drugs. Her eyes are red. We don't know what drug she took, which has a side effect of red eyes." John was desperate.

"Lestrade, I need an autopsy as soon as possible. John, I think we have something to do." Sherlock said

He went out to the hall and requested for the original camera footage of the street.
He collected it and went to somewhere John did not expect.

They reached to Amelia Miller's house.

He went inside without any hesitation and-
"Good evening officer, I know this is not the best time. But I am here on inspector Lestrade's power to collect the camera footage of today morning." Sherlock Lied.

John was taken aback knowing the risk he is taking to claim the footage.

The officer, bought two tapes from inside and handed over to him.

"John, do me a favor. Collect the same from the next houses too. I need them to Locate Amelia." Sherlock ordered.
As requested, John bought the camera original footages from the neighboring houses on both sides.

"But Sherlock, how will these tell you her location?" John asked.
"I will show you." Sherlock answered.

As they reached home, Sherlock hid the mic and wasted no time on resting.

He took out the cameras and played the first camera bought from Amelia's house.

"You know the evidence was tampered, john? So none other than herself can do that. The securities were off, helping her come and tamper and leave." Sherlock said.

"Now we have to find the exact time she came". And Sherlock started his work.

He played it in normal speed to not miss anything.
After 3 hours, at 7.16 Am to be precise. A car was there.

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