I am sorry, but solved !

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I am sorry, but solved !

It was 6 in the morning, when Sherlock barged in. He called to John. Lestrade was on his way.
"What is it Sherlock?"
"Oh Noble Doctor, we need to leave now to save a life. Put on anything for we shall leave very soon."

In 20 minutes they were off.
"Care to explain, Sherlock?"
"Sorry, John, just watch it in action."

It took 2 hours, till they reached a humble strew street and of the last apartment.

Lestrade was there, and a dozen policemen.
They had captured Amelia, Alive.

"Thank God, Lestrade. We just saved ourselves a story."

Sherlock walked in fast. He saw Amelia sitting there furiously, not for being captured.

"Hello miss, we meet for the first time."
"Hello Mr. Holmes."
"I have solved it." Said Sherlock without further delay.

"Oh I always knew you would."
"But first, Lestrade has his theory I presume."
"Yes, Sherlock, it was Mr. Robern. I presume you remember how he could kill people with minor cuts. Autopsy has recorded several cuts in Mr.King's body, alluding simply it was Robern."

Amelia gave a slight laugh.
"Wrong! Inspector. The case would've been closed long ago like this but they failed to realize."

"Lestrade, you fail to notice evidence."
He too from files, a letter.

He turned to Amelia,

"Mr. King Jr. played you well Ms. Amelia"
She was shocked to hear the name.

"Only heir of Arthur King, Arthur King Jr. You see, your parents, adopted apparently, are very much alive."

Amelia was being taken aback by every word.
"when I first analyzed the situation, I came to know, someone was ordering you to speak and was sending the letters separately. This indicated two people. And I thought, why would he lie to you, to kill Mr. Robern, if you were so willing to do so. And then I realized. You had a soft spot towards him, still. Oh sweet little lovers of 1889. That, was why, he lied to you, to manipulate you, to control you, to finish his job clean, to make you kill Mr. Robern yourself."
Amelia started crying, tears down her cheeks. She was broken.

"I am sorry Ms. Amelia. But that is the truth. Mr. Robern meant no harm to you, and he did not kill King. I think you already know that"

He opened the letter, "Having a motive in hand, the police ignored other facts and evidences. They were too confused to take a next step, read his letters." He held up the letter.

"This was sent to King. Three letters, requesting for talking about his future with Ms. Amelia."

"Four letters from Robern, Mr. Holmes." She answered with pride

Sherlock noticed this and continued. "I shall come back to that later."
"It was Genaiva who killed King." Sherlock announced.
"Mr. King had residue of a specific poison which killed when taken in through the nose."
"But why was it not of Mr. Robern's perfume?"
"Oh you see, in the 1889 period, in France, gold was used the least. France was in revolution. Strikes were organized against trades, which led to more than 50% of gold use drop. Specifically, in 1889, the special perfume which was bought, had no extra gold ring around."

"Correct" whispered Amelia, smirk in her lips.

"It was specially added by Genaiva, inside that, a separate bottle, which released poison if the puff was pressed, but it released poison only once. Once enough when he used it on that day he would inhale and die. And that was how the examination of poison discovered none in the contents of the perfume."

"Good job, Mr. Holmes. I never thought you would get this far. But a motive, Mr. Holmes, Genaiva was one of us, but why?"

"Now comes the 4th letter, Ms. Amelia." He held it out. "You knew how he was killed by Genaiva but you did not know why, am I right miss?"

"Yes, as always."

"This letter was written to King, asking for the diamond, which was gifted for completing a specific mission. It reads:

Mr. King, the diamond belongs to me, truly. I was the one who completed the mission and I am rightful to have to in possession. I would like it have it for Christmas.


"But it clearly says Robern, Sherlock." Said Watson.

"Only a trained eye could notice something that I did, Watson. Here the G is being curled at the end and the start. When I saw it at first, I remember I have seen this pattern of writing G as such. And then I remember the word Knight, in which G was written in such style, and concluded, it was Genaive, who wrote this letter to specifically frame Robern. And later after the funeral, Genaiva was free to take the Diamond."

"Excellent, Mr. Holmes, I am astonished." Amelia confessed.

"But sad that it did not go this way, did it, Ms. Miller?"

A sudden silence took away Amelia.

"Teen age, trained to be killing people of own country. Not a very good feeling for a patriotic person.

Yesterday I went through your personal files. You were born in America. Seeing people of your country die, and the reason being The Castle, you couldn't take it anymore."

She was shocked. She couldn't respond. Everyone at the room was keenly listening to Sherlock, slowly narrate the possibility.

"You knew exactly what King and Robern argued about. You both decided to live a happy life. But King rejected to lose his best assassin. You couldn't take it. So the poison was from the flowers that you gifted. He held it to his nose for a second which was enough."

"Yes, Mr. Holmes, Genaiva told me she was going to kill King. I took some of her poison and added to the tip of my flowers. And flowers are the least possibility of death a policeman would consider. And my flowers remained there, dying with the poison."

"You missed one point more, for you were the one who took the Diamond at the funeral, which you wore with a ring to your final party."
Sherlock revealed the photo of her with the Diamond.

"Well played, Ms. Miller. Lestrade, find Arthur King Jr. and arrest him for plan and murder of the individuals and you may arrest Ms. Miller for murder of King and acquaintance in murder of the Soldiers, Genaiva, Mr. Rook, and Mr. Robern."

He turned away, walking away from the chaos, calling out to John, who was in silence throughout.

"And thus, John, the case is closed."
"One night, Sherlock, and you figured out all these possibilities. I am surprised but astonished as usual."

The next day, the news flashed all over channels.

'Amelia Miller, commonly knows business-woman arrested for murder.'

'The King blamed, claims he never knew anyone killed.'

The Doctor was much interested in all these.

All there ran, while Sherlock on the other side, was busy. Organizing evidence for the next case. Getting ready for more mystery. For only one Consulting Detective could solve such cases, Sherlock Holmes.


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