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(A/N: Tried new POV's this chapter.)

An ancient hard cover of history promises eternal youth to whomever is bound to it. Archons know how badly he regrets seeking out such a relic of the past. How foolish could he be to assume that something that promised immortality would come for free?

Of course, it had to strip him away of one of the things he cherished most in the world.


"Gorou, let's focus." Kokomi pleaded softly, smoothing out the documents upon her table.

"Ah, apologies Your Excellency..."

His usually perky ears visibly drooped—eyes and brows following suit, furrowed with concern. Kokomi didn't have to ask to know what he looked so worried over, but she offered no words of reassurance. She hoped Gorou would understand that if she wasn't worried about it, he shouldn't either. Mitsuki was strong and capable of protecting himself out there. Besides, he was still in Watatsumi Island—it wasn't likely that he'd encounter Shogunate soldiers. 

"We have to find out if this letter was written by someone internally," she explains, "I've gathered a whole bunch of background checks on people, and asked those I trust for any suspicious behavior...I've managed to narrow it down to this person." Her hand reaches for a specific paper, and hands it over to Gorou who takes it and reads it over.

"...You think she could be responsible for this? How so?"

"It is likely—though I would hate to find it to be true." Kokomi's downcast expression shoots a small pain through Gorou's chest, "According to some of the spies, she has been more active at night for some unexplained reason—and her demeanor has changed entirely. When I tried to speak to her earlier, she was dismissive and spaced out quite a lot."

"...How should we approach this then?" He asks, "You're the master strategist."

"I have always avoided to consider someone would become a traitor to us—" The maiden softly sighed, "But I believe direct confrontation would be most effective. It will stress her out, and hopefully force her to speak the truth. And as much as I know how much you want to accompany me, I shall do this alone."

"What?" Gorou's breath caught in his throat, "But if she's a potential traitor she may have other ill intentions! What if she tries to hurt you?"

"I can handle myself just fine," she insisted, "Besides, you called me the master strategist right? I wouldn't offer to go alone unless I wasn't sure."

The general hesitated, albeit briefly before nodding in understanding. Kokomi would face this traitor herself and all he had to do was believe in her like usual. Everything would be okay.


???'s POV

I'm so sorry, Your Excellency!

When I first saw him walking along the paths of the camp, a deep rooted feeling of resentment resurfaced from my heart. We had similar upbringings...and yet here he was—walking with that straight and entitled expression despite our situations. Who was he to walk around our territory like he owned the place? Ah that's right. Despite his father's crimes, he was still granted a place in the Grand Narukami Shrine. Why wouldn't he walk with his head held up high? I would too if I was born with more privilege than most hard working adults.

But that wasn't fair. Was the Shogunate so blind to his actions? Or were they pretending not to know?

Well...I'd let them know.

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