Ruggie's Morning

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 Ruggies alarm goes off, he yawns exaggeratedly and climbs out of bed. He quickly gets dressed and begins to work on all his homework (he was to busy finishing Leona's to do his own).

Ruggie finishes his homework and leaves his room to the kitchen area of the dorm. He starts making eggs, oatmeal, waffles, pancakes and literally anything he thinks Leona might be craving.

Half an hour later a few savanaclaw members begin to trickle in and Ruggie heads upstairs, it time to wake the beast.

Ruggie quietly opens the door to Leona's room and walks in.

"Leona-san" he whispers "time to wake up", no answer.

"Leona-san"Ruggie raises his voice a bit and lightly shakes Leona "your breakfast is going to get cold" Leona growls but shows no plan to wake up.

Ruggie sighs and mumbles "why does it always come to this" he then grips Leona's blanket and attempts to pull it off him. key word- attempts, because though he did manage to pull the blanket off the bed Leona came with it.

As Leona topples out of his bed he makes a sound like a wounded cat and crashes to the floor. Ruggie bursts out laughing, dodging the water bottle Leona chucks at him.

Leona starts getting dressed in the bathroom and Ruggie makes himself busy attempting to clean the disaster of a room. As Ruggie picks up a ruby bracelet wondering how soon Leona would notice it was missing the bathroom door opens and Leona comes out.

"I'm ready for breakfast" Leona announces as Ruggie jumps and drops the bracelet. They head to the kitchen and Ruggie gestures grandly at the table full of dishes he made. Leona stares unimpressed "I want eggs" he says but as Ruggie is in the middle of placing a plate of eggs in front of him he finishes"scrambled, with mushrooms"

"Ehh?" Ruggie exclaims "but you hate mushrooms! besides we don't have any!"

"Then I guess you better head to the school store" Leona smirks "you have 5 minutes, oh and Ruggie, never wake me up like that again"

'should have known that Sadist would want more revenge than nearly being hit by a water bottle' Ruggie thinks to himself as he sprints to the store.

6 minutes later Ruggies back at the dorm red faced and breathing heavily as he scrambles Leona's eggs. 'jerks probably laughing his ass off at me' Ruggie complains to himself and turns to see if that really was the case. It wasn't, Leona was sleeping away in his chair.

Now Ruggie was seriously ticked off (hOw DaRe yoU nOt aCknOWleDGe mY sUFfeRInG!!) And he pours a bunch of salt in one of Leona's eggs (just one, he doesn't want to have to redo the rest).

Ruggie sits back and laughs at Leona spitting out his egg. He paid greatly for his fun , Leona made him make breakfast for all the savanaclaw first years (thank goodness for nice ones like Jack who said ' I'm not hungry' or 'give me whatever' and death to the jerks who took advantage and ordered a 3 course meal).

Finally it's time for classes and after a ten minutes of fruitless lectures Ruggie agrees Leona can skip class if he shows up to the quiz later. He then runs to class hoping he hasn't missed the roll call.

And that ladies, gentlemen and all other genders, is a typical morning in the life of Ruggie Bucchi

Ruggie and Leona oneshots!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ