I have a crush. How do I get rid of it?

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Wow, it's been a while.... Anyway, enjoy!- Authors Note

Stupid Ruggie. Being all kind, and helpful, and hardworking, and handsome and...

"D-dorm head?" Some random first-year addressed Leona, forcing him to turn away from watching Ruggie tutor some other second-years

"What" he growled, glaring down at the first year, who went pale and squeaked "Never mind!" Before running away.

"Okay, everyone! That's all for today!" Ruggie's voice drew Leona's attention back to the study group, who began packing up. He quickly looked at the clock. Sure enough, the two-hour study session was over. He looked down at the book he began reading when the session started. It was still open to the first page.


 Leona needs help.

But who could be asked? What school member was so stupid they wouldn't take advantage of having this kind of information on a dorm head, let alone a prince? What idiot cared so much about trust that they wouldn't let this slip?... Wait.... There is one person.

Leona stood up "Ruggie!" He announced "We're going to Scarabia!"

 Ruggie ran over "Great!" He exclaimed cheerfully "I haven't spoken to Jamil in forever, and Kalim always has the best food"

Leona rolled his eyes and began to walk at a brisk pace towards the scarabia rooms, excited by the idea that he could finally get help with his crush. With Ruggie cheerfully following him he walked straight to the Scarabia dorms and turned to the first person he saw.

"Hey herbivore "Leona addressed him, making him glance left and right (presumably to see if Leona was talking to him) and then pales


"Where's your idiot dorm head," Leona asked, a slight smirk appearing on his face at the boy's discomfort. He may be disrespected at home, called the...ugh... Second prince. But at least here the students were properly scared of him

The student pointed, practically shaking, and Leona and Ruggie headed in the fingers direction

"So Leona, why exactly are we here?" Ruggie asked 

To which Leona quickly answered "Don't ask questions you have nothing to do with"

Ruggie raised an eyebrow "Okay tsundere" he muttered 

Leona glared, why did he like this idiot again? But decided to let it slide since they were nearing a room labeled- dorm head kalim.

"You could go Ruggie," Leona said and Ruggie flashed a smile and with a cheerful "byeeee" barged into the room next to Kalims, labeled Jamil.

Leona rolled his eyes at Ruggie's rudeness and knocked. Like a normal person.

At the cheerful "come in" he opened the door and entered the room.

"I need advice" Leona announced bluntly

A delighted look crossed Kalims face "I'm happy too! Thanks for trusting me with this"

Leona sighed "I have a crush. How do I get rid of it?"

Kalim jumped up clapping his hands "A crush! Wow, Leona, that's so great! I'm happy for you! Why would you ever get rid of it? You have to ask this guy out!"

Leona stared at him. Did this numbskull not realize that Leona probably had a reason not to ask Ruggie out? Did he think it was that simple? "You are so utterly useless. Why did I ever think this was a good idea" and ignoring Kalim's sound of shock he turned around and left the room.

Leona strode to Jamil's room and began to open the door(he was so fed up with these scarabia students. They didn't deserve the respect of knocking). Suddenly he heard Jamil say "Kalim is absolutely infuriating for sure, but serving Leona must be hell. He's so demanding and ungrateful"

Leona lightly closed the door and pressed his ear to it, awaiting Ruggie's answer, to hear his true feelings.

"It does kind of suck, hard as hell. I'm running around all day getting him to classes, getting him food...." His voice trailed off "But anyway I have a plan to get out of it soon"

"Oh? Enlighten me. Have you found another source of income? Are you going to quit?"

"Well, I recently realized Leona has developed a darling little crush on me" his voice became teasing "so I've been feeding it, seducing him a little, forget servitude, I'll have myself a sugar daddy soon

Leona's stomach dropped. Was he really allowing himself to be used like that? How didn't he notice? Why was Ruggie's calculating and manipulative side so sexy? What?

A buzzing began to sound in his ears, so loud he could barely hear Jamil laugh and say "About time these rich bastards learned what it's like to be used"

"Well it's not just using him" Ruggie contradicted conversationally "Leona's fun, and hot. I'd date him with way. The money is one of many incentives and a pretty nice perk."

"Really?" Jamil asked"No accounting for taste "

"You have to live with him to understand it, his presence... It's intoxicating, he's... Amazing " Ruggie said and Leona's heart skipped a beat. Ruggie liked him? Ruggie liked him! Leona smiled widely. Giving Ruggie money sounds just fine to him if he knows that the relationship isn't only about money. He's so rich he wouldn't be able to tell the difference. And Ruggie deserves to be spoiled a little.

"Leona burst into the room, shocking Ruggie and Jamil who both jumped at the noise and turned to look at him.

"Let's go out. On a date" Leona ordered staring Ruggie down

Ruggie blinked, looking a little confused. then he smirked "okay"

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