How Yuu and Deuce would have met if TWST was in English

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Bonus chapter I thought up that has like nothing to do with Ruggie or Leona 

To those off you who haven't seen who's on first base it's a old comedy bit and it's funny sooo I recommend it(you have to start at like 1:25 ) it's a little old times but the jokes funny

This story is my version of deuce and main character (Yuu) meeting, in English

Deuce walks into yuu and nocks over the books in his hand "I apologize!" He says and then gets a good look at them "hey, who are you?" He asks

"I'm yuu" they answer


"No I'm me who are you"

Yuu looks at him "no like I'm yuu, like when I was born my parents said 'you're yuu'"

"Um yeah obviously you're you, but you're not me you're you so who are you?" Duece asks

"I'm yuu" yuu answers

"I feel like we have a misunderstanding, I'm deuce" deuce points at himself "your name is?..."


 "who are you!?!?!" Deuce explodes causing Ace who is watching from the side snicker and say "Yoo who" in a singsong voice

 The two ignored him

"No see I'm called yuu" yuu explains

" Yeah I'm also called you, and deuce, they call you you and something else what else do they call you?"



Leona, who had been attempting to sleep over their loud talking screamed "who's on first &$#;@/ base!" And stomped off

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