Ruggie Bucchi should be dorm leader

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Leona Kingscholar is not fit to be dorm leader. Those were the words constantly invading Riddle Rosehearts mind. He thought them every time Leona skipped a dorm head meeting causing Ruggie to run in last minute with a 'sorry I tried to convince him '. He thought them every time he saw Leona overwork the Savanaclaw students on physical strength causing their grades to drop. He thought them every time he sees Ruggie huredly doing Leona's homework or forcing him to go to class. Every time: Leona is not fit to be dorm leader.

Ruggie Bucchi should be dorm leader. Those were the other words constantly going through Riddle's head. He thought them every time Ruggie came to the dorm leader meetings, completely prepared to talk about the subject. He thought them every time he saw Ruggie recite the recent study material to the other students on Savanaclaw runs. He thought them every time he saw a savanaclaw student come to Ruggie for homework help. He thought them Every time he saw Ruggie giving advice to Younger students. Every time: Ruggie Bucchi should be dorm leader

But Leona was dorm leader in name only. The other leaders let Ruggie input his opinions in meetings. The savanaclaw students came to Ruggie with questions ordinarily meant for dorm leader in other dorms. Even Crowley turned to Ruggie first on the few moments when he did something.yes Leona was just a figurehead, if only, Riddle sighs, Ruggie would get the recognition he deserves

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