Chapter 1

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Destination: Kalos, Verdian Forest 
Year: Unknown

18 year old, Ash Ketchum is traveling with his friends. Serena, 18, Bonnie, 16, and Clemont 'Clem' , 22. It was a normal day, like usual. Our heroes were just strolling around Verdian Forest, but soon, things are going to change.

Serena looked at her phone as they were walking along. "There should be a short-cut around here somewhere. Probably past these bushes."

Clemont looked at her. "And why do you assume taking a short-cut is a good idea when I'm the gym leader?"

She shrugged. "I dunno. Sometimes you're not very good at directions."

Clemont was about to protest, when Ash spoke up. "Come on! I want to get my next gym badge!" He exclaimed, a wide grin on his face.

Bonnie shook her head and patted the small green creature in her bag. "So optimistic, and yet, so dense." She muttered to herself. However, Serena could hear her say that and giggled to herself.

She then blushed. She loved the way Ash thought so good about things. He rarely never got upset, and has always been so optimistic. If you assume she has a crush on him, you'd be right.
The two of them met when they were children, you see, and they instantly bonded. But when Ash left a few years later, she was upset, and thought she'd never see him again.
That is, until a few years back.
She saw Ash again when he was challenging the bug-type-gym-leader, Viola. And unlike the actual canon episode, he actually won. He won with Pikachu, Froakie, and his newly caught Fletchling.
When he was about to lose, she cheered him on, actually causing him to push through and beat Viola.
After that, they became closer than ever. They did everything together.
Bonnie knew something was up with them, while Clemont- well- let's just say he didn't know that much.


She shook herself. "Huh?"

Bonnie walked up to her. "You've been stuck in thought for a good 5 minutes. Ash and Clemont have already moved on." She raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay? Your face is red."

Serena chuckled nervously. "Oh, it's nothing. We'd better catch up."

Bonnie sighed, but nodded her head, leading the way.

Serena took one last look at the forest before following her.

"You see that, sir?" A voice murmured out.

A man with orange hair and a strange outfit nodded at them. "Indeed. That's the same girl who you keep failing to get Z1 back from."

They put their hands in the air. "It's just a bit tricky, sir! Its surrounded by its friends! There's no way we can get it back when they're around."

They had a point. "Hm. You're right about that." He smirked "Perhaps we could get rid of them."

They looked back at his leader. "Get rid of them?" They raised an eyebrow.

He laughed. "If we just get rid of them in any way we can, we can finally get Z1 back. And I don't care if I have to kill them for it."

They gasped. "But sir! Isn't that too risky?"

He scoffed. "Doesn't matter. What matters is: We are going to get Z1 back, one way or another."

They shrugged. "Suit yourself, sir. I don't think I can stop you now." They walked off.

The man smiles, readying a blade. "They may have never tasted true fear or death, but they will now."

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