Chapter 1: Detention

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'Poets. Geniuses. Revolutionaries. Lemonade Mouth has been called all of these things. But the real story, the story of how our band came to be, is a mystery to them all. I wonder if they'd believe it if I told them that it all started... right here,'

"The rules in here are simple. No eating, no drinking, no sleeping, no talking, no tapping, no texting. You break a rule, I add another day of detention. Are we clear? Great," The lady said as she walked to the board.

'Stella Yamada, lead guitar... Wen Gifford, keyboard... Mo Banjaree, bass... Charlie Delgado, drum god... Y/n White, my younger twin and songwriter... And me, Olivia White, future front man for Lemonade Mouth. It was this ragtag group of six that started it all,'

"All right. I have decided, rather than let you twiddle your little thumbs for the next hour, we are going to put those thumbs to use. We're gonna clean up around here. We're gonna unpack, and we're gonna turn this storage room into a music room," The lady said as she gave us all rags and walked to the stuff that was sitting on the side.

"I mean, we might as well make the best of it, right? We've been banished to the basement," She said, picking up a guitar and strumming it.

Seconds later, we hear a toilet flushing.

"Did you hear that? Ooh. You know what? If they spent a fraction of what that new gymnasium cost to keep this music program alive, I-" She started but was interrupted by the sound of a toilet flushing.

"That is it. That is it,"

'But if I'm gonna tell you this right, I need to go back to the beginning. The morning it all began,'

Olivia and I were putting our bikes away at school and Olivia drops her stuff.

"Way to go, Olivia," I say with a smile and a roll of my eyes.

I bend down to help her with her stuff as we gather her stuff back into her bag.

We were on our way to the janitor's closet for Olivia to read her book but I told her that it wasn't a good idea because we might get caught.

"Come on, Y/n. Please? Just for me?" She begs.

"Fine. But if we get caught, I'm blaming you," I tell her with a roll of my eyes.

We were now in the janitor's closet, Olivia reading her book as I just sat there in boredom.

"I'm nobody. Who are you? Are you nobody too? Heh. Well, that would be a yes," Olivia reads as she takes a bite of her apple.

"Olivia. How long are we going to be in here?"

"Just as I finish is chapter, we can leave," She said as I see her foot move and hit the supplies.

"Olivia!" I whisper-yell as I went to catch the supplies but Olivia bumped into me, making me hit the wall behind me.

The door opens and we were both handed a detention slip.

"Thanks a lot, Olivia," I mumble, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms in front of my chest.


"Welcome to our first assembly in our new gym, generously funded by our school sponsor, TurboBlast. Drink of champions," Prinipal Brenigan says into the mic as everybody claps.

"Our assembly today is about— Are you ready? Personal empowerment..." He started but I wasn't paying any attention because I thought these types of things were kind of boring.

"My shirt, my decision," I turn my head towards the voice to see the new girl looking at Principal Brenigan. "Okay? Don't let your school take away your right. Okay? Be heard. Use your voice," she said as everybody starts to clap.

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