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Up above is how I personally envision (Y/N). Keep in mind that you can change eye color, skin color, hair color, etc. to your liking!

"Ah, (Y/N)! Perfect timing!" a man joyfully said as a young lady happily pranced into the tailor shop with several boxes of silk in hand. Spider silk, to be specific.

She handed them to the draper with a smile as he thanked her. "I have a few gifts in mind for two certain people, and your silk is just the kind of material I need."

"Ah, it's really no hassle, Dad!" she insisted with a wave of her hand, "If you ever need anything else, please let me know!"

She hopped onto the counter, perching herself on the flat surface and letting her legs dangle. To the regular person, this would seem like an ordinary interaction between a girl and a father figure.

Nobody would ever guess that one wasn't completely human.

Saitama took his first step into the abandoned city, and the first thing he was greeted to was a plethora of spiders scurrying around. Once one of them noticed him, however, they all paused to gaze at the strange man.

He only made it a few steps before a loud groaning could be heard. "A human! This will be perfect to spread my name around!" A grotesque creature bellowed from the darkness, ready to strike. "Soon, I will be known all across the world!"

Saitama stood, ready to fight as the monster flew closer and closer, but was taken aback when the beast suddenly stopped, seemingly being tugged back.

"What...?" The monster looked back, noticing thin yet sturdy strings wrapped around its ankles. "What is the meaning of—!"

It couldn't get another word out as it was suddenly whipped into the air and slammed back into the ground, before being dragged back into the darkness.


Its pleads for mercy were cut short by the sound of its own shrill screams that barely drowned out the echoing cracks and splatters.

What the hell? Saitama immediately started rushing towards the darkness, not noticing how the previously stationary spiders were now scampering towards the noise in an almost excited way.

What he spotted in the shadows made him freeze in place. Not only had the monster been torn to pieces with the spiders merrily building their webs in preparation for the flies that were sure to swarm around the body, but there was also a young lady, most likely around his age, standing over it.

Four long spider legs protruded from her back. The lower two lifted her slightly above the ground, raising her up so she was now about a head taller than him. In place of hands, she had three-fingered claws, one of which was drenched in the blood of her arthropodal victim.

She turned her head ever so slightly, revealing bright, solid colored eyes that almost seemed to glow in the dark. Her tongue dragged over her blood-covered teeth, revealing sharp fangs that glistened in the moonlight.

Despite her monstrous features, the rest of her looked nothing out of the ordinary. Without her arachnid-like qualities, she actually looked like a fairly normal human. However, even with such characteristics, she was strangely beautiful... in her own peculiar way.

Saitama had little time to think on her appearances, however, since before he could blink, she was suddenly mere inches away from him. She towered over him, her (E/C) eyes scanning over his figure.

He took a step back, sweat rolling down his face. He was ready to fight her and her spider army. Her mouth opened, and he was prepared for the woman to sink her teeth into him so he could be her next meal.

The Beautiful Beast / Yandere Various One Punch Man X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now