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You know what? I like you. *rises from the grave to write a half-baked fanfiction chapter before dying again*

Footsteps stomped along the dirt path, followed by spider legs digging into the earth with each step.

"I didn't think we'd be running the whole way," Genos remarked as they weaved through trees at an unnatural speed.

"How else are we gonna get there?"

"I was sure you could fly or something."

"Humans can't fly, you know."

"It's amazing that you are never late."

"Never late? Oh, I wish," (Y/N) chimed in with a laugh as the trio started leaping and climbing up a mountain. "He's hardly ever on time!"

"Oi, don't pretend like your schedule is so perfect." The playful banter between the couple didn't cease even when they landed in front of their destination. "You take hours just on your hair alone."

"Oh? And here I thought you like it when I doll myself up for you," the spider lady lowered herself to Saitama's height, squishing his cheeks and earning a groan, despite the fact he was actively fighting off a smile.

He put both hands on (Y/N)'s cheeks, squishing them gently, too. "Hey now, I never said I didn't."

"Really now? What happened to all that whining?"

"I wasn't whining."

"I didn't mean that negatively! You're cute when you whine!"

"(Y/N), that sounds really wrong."

"Oh, so now I'm not allowed to call my cute boyfriend cute? How cruel!"

A clear of a throat brought the duo back to attention to the poor (third wheel) cyborg waiting for his opportunity to speak. "This is the place Gorilla told us about. The House of Evolution."

"...Oh yeah. That." Saitama's tone immediately shifted to its usual indifference the moment (Y/N)'s touch left him, an uncaring expression painting his face as he looked up at the many stories. "One, two three, four, five... Looks about eight stories high."

"Hm. Perhaps I can climb to the top while you two start searching from the bottom. We can meet in the middle—" (Y/N) looked up at the building before being cut off by Genos holding his arm out in front of her.

"Madam. Please, do not waste your energy on such trivial matters." The cyborg pulled his arm back to his side. "I will handle this."

"Actually, I kind of want to—"

The young woman was cut off by a sudden blast, a blazing inferno obliterating the building in seconds. The couple stared at the remnants left behind. "...Uh..." Saitama's confused voice cut through the sound of crumbling rubble. "...What the hell was that?"

"I decided it would be most efficient to destroy them all in one blast."

"Well, that's true, but..."

As Saitama trailed off, Genos turned back to the duo, yet his gaze remained fixed on the young lady. "Was my performance to your satisfaction, Madam?"

(Y/N) stared for a moment. He just obliterated a whole ass building potentially filled to the brim with all sorts of manmade horrors and the first thing he does is turn to her for approval. It was strange, seeing as Saitama was his "sensei," not her.

But it was also... strangely endearing? Like seeing a puppy wag its tail when you say it's a good boy except that dog is Cerberus and it just mauled a bunch of killing machines, how are you gonna scold it? Exactly, you don't.

The Beautiful Beast / Yandere Various One Punch Man X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now