1: Moving in

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The rest of the morning I spent packing my things into boxes. I didn't have much. Some clothes, my pillows and blankets as well as my phone charger and some CD's I collected. At quarter past 2 a knock was heard at the door. I quickly walked over, yanking it open.

"Icaura." She smiled.

My heart fluttered as I struggled to gather my bearings.

"H-hey." I gulped.

"The movers are downstairs, they'll take care of this." She gestured to the boxes I had packed. "I already organised the apartments contract termination and your supposed to leave the keys at the front desk."

"I- thank you." I smiled softly.

She smiled back, encouraging me to follow her downstairs. The elevator rode felt tense, her hand gently brushed against mine as she moved closer to let an elderly couple enter. She smiled down at me, way taller than me in her massive heels. The elevator finally arrived at the lobby and allowed us to leave. The sun was bright, the warm spring air caressing my skin, the slight breeze cool, making my sundress fly up. Stefani quickly caught me, forcing my dress flat before it could reveal anything.

She giggled slightly as she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Come, you need to eat my darling."

Her words stuck to me, making me blush to her satisfaction. She opened the door to her black SUV to let me in before entering the drivers side. She kicked her heels off for safety and started the car, checking to make sure I was buckled before she took off.

"So." She started. "What is your food taste? What do you like? What don't you like?"

God, the dreaded question. "Im kinda picky, sensory issues." I spoke shyly.

"That's alright, we'll figure it out." She laid her hand on my knee, squeezing it softly before letting go. "That's another thing, you have nothing to be ashamed of."

I nodded, saying a quiet "Okay" as she drove.

Slowly I started to drift off, it had been weeks since I had properly slept and I was exhausted. My eyes were heavy and although her driving was a little jolty it was almost comforting.

The next thing I knew was a soft hand on my cheek, the car was stopped.

"Im sorry to wake you darling but we are here." She whispered.

I forced my eyes to flutter open, their heaviness trying to force me back asleep.

"Come on, you can have a nap." She smiled while grabbing her massive heels again, slipping them on.

I exited the car, my body felt heavy, I had pushed myself hard the past two months. But I had to in order to survive. Stefani unlocked the door and lead me inside, kicking the heels off messily. I placed mine on the shoe rack before she took my hand and lead me to her massive living room.

"Take a nap here, I'll make us a late lunch." She spoke simply before leaving the room.

My body sunk into the plush couch as I curled up into it, it was more comfy than my bed had been. I was quick to fall asleep, drowning in the blackness of a much needed rest.


I couldn't have been an hour before she was by my side again, her hand pushing the hair from my face. The blond tendrils messily covering my cheeks and eyes.

"Hey you, lunch time." She whispered.

"10 more minutes." I whimpered, desperate to sleep a while longer.

"Sorry darling, you need to eat." She encouraged.

I whined slightly, lifting myself up and following her to her kitchen. It was just as impressive as the living room. I sat at the island and she placed a pasta dish infront of me.

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