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Thinking about you- Katie
Extremely long chapter rip


Requested: nope

Toji looked up at his incompetent students. It was his first time teaching and it look like word got out because there were piles of girls fangirling over him. Slowly but surely he was getting annoyed, he was not having it.

Taking a book he slammed it down, the student jumped at the loud sound. His voice boomed across the class "If you are not on my roster, get out. He smiled sickly bringing a cold presence across the class.

The incorrect students packed up their items and stumbled out quickly. Once those heathens left he clapped his hand getting everyone's attention. "Now that we are done with that, let me introduce myself and go over the syllabus. My name is Fushiguro Toji or Toji Fushiguro. You can call me Mr.Fushiguro. I will not tolerate any disrespect or you will be sent out of my class. Understood, great, as you know I teach English, but you will not be reading mostly. Now for the syllabus........."

Time skip~

Hearing the bell ring he stood up walked over to the door and said: "We had a pretty easy day today but we will start work tomorrow. Have a nice day, now get out". Seeing his first class was out he walked over to his desk and started preparing for his next class.

Sighing he combed through his hair licking his chapped lips, cursing ' I fucking hate kids'. Seeing students pour into the room he stood up and greeted them. Once all of his students were in he closed the door and started his lesson.

When he heard the bell ring he gladly opened the door and said one word "leave".

When lunch came around he didn't know if he should be glad or petrified. On one hand, he could sit down and have a mature talk with his fellow teachers, and on the other hand, the female teachers were also trying to push up against him too, pushing boobs against the table to make them show more and trying to look innocent. Overall he was disappointed and disgusted.

Picking up his lunch he excused himself and went back to his classroom to eat in peace. Turning on some classical music he hummed enjoying the peace and tranquility, even if he knew it was not going to last.

Wiping his desk down and throwing his trash away, he waited for the bell to ring so he can get this done as fast as he could. He was teaching his fourth period his last class, thankfully, when he heard a camera shutter. He stopped mid-sentence and turned in the sound- direction. Which so happened outside the window.

So yes, he turned towards the window doing a quick glance outside to see who took it, be he did not see anything or anyone. Brushing it off as someone in his class took the picture. He knew something wasn't adding up. He has pretty good hearing and it was ironic because even in movies when the character brushes it off they in end get murdered but whatever. Clearing his throat he continued on with the review.

It was around 5:30 when he was getting ready to head home. Walking to his car it started to rain, hard. He knew the forecast said it was not supposed to rain so, why the fuck is it. Now, rushing to his car he jumped in and peeled off his shirt. Grimacing at the thought of cleaning his seats later. Luckily he had an extra shirt in his gym bag so he put that on and put his wet clothes in a bag. (only his shirt)

Huffing he turned on the heat and drove home. Feeling watched he looked in his rearview mirror, gasping. seeing red and white hair. Not taking any chances he drove faster.

Taking off his shoes and putting his keys in a dish he went into his bedroom. Slightly angered because of all the water dripping on his floor, he grabbed some random clothes and some towels and planned to take a shower. After stripping off his clothes he waited for the water to warm up.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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