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Katya had to work during the week, which meant Beatrice would spend it alone. She tried to do something during the day, to be productive, but she kept thinking back about how she enjoyed being with Katya at the museum. It was so refreshing to have someone new in her life. She knew it was wrong to feel liberated after her husband's death, but it was the truth. Even if she could appreciate his company, soon after their wedding Beatrice saw the real man whom he was. Neglecting, violent, focused on making money and nothing else. The blonde suffered silently, she had no one to talk to. Now she had Katya, but she felt like they weren't close enough to discuss such private things. Besides Beatrice wasn't ready to disclose this, she didn't want to speak badly of her late husband.

Mrs. Mattel received a call from Katya on Friday afternoon. They had caught the two mafia criminals. She was relieved, and hoped that the trial would be quick so she could move on from her past life.

"Could we see each other this weekend? I've been bored the entire week." Beatrice asked before Katya hung up, almost pleadingly, although a bit embarrassed to rely on the blonde to entertain her.
"Yes, absolutely. We can go the fair, it's still in town until May" Katya happily replied.
"Oh, that would be great"

Once again Katya drove them down town. She decided to wear a long black skirt with a dotted white blouse, which was more convenient for a woman than her usual trousers. Beatrice was in a pastel pink fitted skirt with a matching double breasted jacket. Her hair was coiffed in perfect curls and Katya bit the inside of her cheek to avoid swearing because of how pretty Beatrice was.

At the fair, the blonde was amazed like a child, she looked at the big ferris wheel with sparkling eyes. Katya and Beatrice did several games at the stands, and Katya won most of them. When the carny told her to choose between different prizes, she picked the big pink teddy bear that Beatrice had been eyeing. She handed it to her and the girl smiled widely. She hugged the stuffed toy and thanked Katya.

When they had been around the whole fair they decided to end their outing with the ferris wheel. Beatrice realized that she was a bit afraid of heights, so she sat as close to Katya as she could.

"How old are you, if I may ask?" Katya said out of curiosity.
"I'm 23 years old. How about you?"
"I turned 30 a few weeks ago."
"Are you married?" Beatrice asked, convinced that the answer would be yes. What she really wanted to know was who was the man who shared Katya's life.
"I'm not" Katya replied while shaking her head. The younger girl was surprised, her eyes widened a little. It was very uncommon for women not to be wed by 30. Especially since Katya was beautiful, she could get any guy she wanted.

"Oh. Are you engaged then? Do you have someone in your life?" Beatrice continued.
"I'm single. No man could ever satisfy me." Katya answered with a shrug, and hoped it wouldn't give too much away.
"I see. You can provide for yourself with your job after-all, you don't need someone to support you. I wish I was as independent as you. You're really a strong and modern woman, I wouldn't dare to be on my own. Well now I am, but it's not willingly like you."

Katya felt her chest fill with pride from Beatrice's admiration. She liked being praised for her lifestyle, it was unusual. Most people thought of her as a freak, a woman who didn't know her place and tried to act like a man.

"Thank you Beatrice, but don't diminish yourself. You are strong too, you've been through a lot at such a young age. I know you must not be thinking about remarrying so soon, however always remember that you can live without a man. You're complete as you are."
"I will try to be. I met Elliot at church when I was 16 and we had been together ever since. Before that I was under my father's wardship, so managing my own life was never an option. Now I don't really know how to"
"I'll help you Beatrice. I'd like nothing more than to watch you blossom into your own self" Katya said with a smile.
"You're so nice to me Katya, thank you. I don't know why you're doing this for me, but I value it greatly." The younger woman replied, her hand coming to rest on Katya's knee for emphasis.

Katya looked down at the perfectly manicured fingers over the thin fabric of her skirt. She knew why she was doing this. She was fond of the pretty young woman that was Beatrice. She wanted to spend all of her free time with her, just to smell her sweet perfume, watch her flawless body, and listen to her talk. Katya allowed herself to dream that her infatuation could become reciprocal for a few seconds, that the hand Beatrice laid on her was a romantic gesture.

"Katya? Katya come on the ride is over" Beatrice called, pulling Katya out of her thoughts. She followed the blonde and they slowly walked to the exit, both a bit sad that the time they had together was over for now.

"Today was lovely Katya"
"It sure was. I'm sorry to spoil the mood, but the trial will be held on Tuesday. You can come if you want to. It shouldn't last too long, the police linked the two men to Elliot's loan and since they don't want to confess who did it, both are incriminated."
"Okay. Would you come with me?"

They didn't see each other until the trial. Beatrice and Katya sat next to each other in the front. Since they were in the mafia, the two felons were represented by a good lawyer. However New Yorkers specifically despised the mob, so the jury would likely condemn the culprits. The evidence was presented and the alibis given, and after a 20 minutes deliberation, the verdict was announced. Ivan Grutchkov and Kail Borevitz were both sentenced to 20 years in jail. Katya squeezed Beatrice's hand that she had been holding the whole time.

The widow thought that she would be relieved, that a weight would be lifted off her shoulders, but it wasn't the case. Knowing that two strangers were going to be imprisoned did not make her smile. Beatrice remained silent until Katya and her arrived at her house.

"Would you stay for dinner?" She then asked, hoping that Katya's presence could help her think about something else than the trial.
"Sure. But I won't be able to help you for anything in the kitchen" Katya replied with a playful smile. She saw how troubled Beatrice was and was glad to keep her company. The two women settled in the kitchen and Beatrice tried to teach Katya how to make roasted vegetables. Katya's task was peeling the carrots while Beatrice cut them in small dices. Inevitably, being clumsy like she could be, the older woman made the knife she was holding skid and it cut open her palm.

"Fuck" She cursed under her breath, making Beatrice look up at her.
"Sorry" Katya said and bit her lip.
"Oh my god Katya! Wait here I'm going to get some band aids." Beatrice exclaimed. She rushed out and came back seconds later with a little case. She sat beside Katya and put alcohol on a tissue, then took the woman's hand in her own and dabbed it on the wound. Katya winced at the burning feeling, even though she liked being taken care of by Beatrice.
"How can you live alone if you can't peel carrots without hurting yourself." The blonde said with a shake of her head.
"Nobody's perfect" Katya shrugged.

Beatrice smiled and put a large plaster on Katya's palm, then lifted it up to kiss the cleaned sore.
"There you go. I'm taking this knife away from you" She teased.
"Thank you" Katya beamed.
"You're welcome. You'll just watch me from now on"
"That I can do" Katya replied. She admired the blonde and how gorgeous she was, looking like the perfect picture of a housewife. Katya let her mind wander to an alternate universe in which this could be her life, coming back from work to Beatrice cooking dinner for them. They would eat together and laugh, then get ready for bed side by side and slip under the covers. Katya would cuddle her girl, maybe touch her if she was in the mood and give her a good night kiss.

"Hey I said you could watch me cook not stare at my face like a psychopath" Beatrice laughed.
"Oh, sorry. You distract me"

The younger woman blushed and focused on finishing to cut the vegetables. After that she put them all in a pan with spices and oils and filled two glasses with white wine to wait until the food was ready. They planned to go out together again the week after, this time at the library.

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