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Beatrice met Katya in front of the book shop. They both smiled and entered, making their way between the shelves to find something interesting. The store was almost empty, there were only a librarian behind the counter and a mother with her two kids. Katya stopped in an aisle and tried to reach for a science fiction novel by getting on her tiptoes. She made little jumps too, however it was too far up. She groaned and looked for a stool, but Beatrice grabbed the book for her. She was about 4 inches taller than Katya, and her small heals helped too. Katya thanked her and helped Beatrice to make her choice. She was hesitating between a classic love story and an Agatha Christie novel. Despite how talented this writer was, Katya was worried her work could remind Beatrice of her husband's murder. Besides, she needed some softness in her life.

They paid for their books and walked down the street to a park. Katya set the blanket she brought under a tree, and the two women sat down next to each other. Katya started reading her book out loud, making sure to speak with the right tone and sometimes exaggerating it to make Beatrice laugh. The blonde decided to lay down on her back, she closed her eyes and let herself be lulled by Katya's voice. The breeze blowed in Beatrice's hair and Katya fixed the strands that went in her face. But then she kept brushing her fingers through the curls, loving how soft and full they were. Beatrice opened her eyes and Katya immediately pulled her hand off.

"I'm sorry" She mumbled and looked down at her novel.
"It's okay. You can keep doing that" Beatrice replied. She liked the tingles Katya's touch was sending in her scalp. The older woman smiled and gently rubbed Beatrice's head. She went on with the novel and reached the end several minutes later.

"My turn" Beatrice said while sitting back up. Katya's hand was still in her hair, behind the girl's head, and Katya realized this position was that of two people about to kiss. Her cheeks heated up and she let go of Beatrice, then laid down like the girl did beforehand.

"Time for my nap" Katya joked.
"You better not fall asleep while I'm reading. I listened to your entire weird science-fiction book so I deserve the same attention" Beatrice protested with a hint of brattiness.
"Okay okay fine. Go ahead"

As she went further into the story, Beatrice was surprised to see it contained some intimate scenes. She had trouble saying them clearly because of how embarrassed she was, and it got worse when Katya looked up at her. She stuttered and blushed profusely, without noticing that she was rubbing her thighs together. Katya surely did and smirked.

"Don't be uncomfortable Beatrice. I know this is the author's dirty mind, not yours"
"I had no idea it would be this intense..." The blonde sighed.
"You've never read erotic books before?" Katya asked curiously.
"Uh no... No I don't think. Have you?"
"Many. It's not something to be ashamed of. It's fun to get lost in fantasies"
"Maybe, but I think it's more of a private activity. I'll read the end of this at home if you don't mind"

Katya laughed and gave a knowing gaze at Beatrice.
"What! I'm not insinuating anything" She defended.
"Sure, sure. I'm hungry, let's go get something at the food truck" Katya said. They folded the blanket and went to buy ice cream cones. The two women strolled in the park while licking their scoops.

"Wait" Katya said when they were going back to her car after finishing their snacks. She wiped one of the corner of Beatrice's mouth with her thumb and licked the ice cream that was on it.

"You had a little bit here" She added.
"Oh... Thank you" Beatrice replied, completely dazed by Katya's action. They reached the car and settled in it, and Beatrice spoke up when she had finally processed how strange Katya made her feel minutes ago.

"Where should we go next time? If you want to keep up our Saturday outings" She asked, playing with a strand of her hair.
"Of course I do. There's a new spa a few blocks away from my apartment, we could check it out"
"What is it like?"
"I guess there is a sauna, a hammam, and maybe masseuses."
"I don't think I've ever been somewhere like this. It sounds nice" Beatrice smiled, pleased with the idea.

Katya nodded and immediately felt like she had made a mistake. Going to the spa would mean seeing Beatrice's almost naked body. Katya knew she would have to constantly remember not to look and stare. She didn't want to make Beatrice uncomfortable, and hoped that her will was strong enough to avoid having an inappropriate gaze.

She escorted Beatrice to her door when they arrived and kissed her hand before leaving. Once she ate dinner Beatrice took a shower and went in her bedroom. She pulled out the book she bought in the afternoon and continued where she stopped. She quickly noticed that although this was supposed to make her feel aroused, it brought back bad memories of her and Elliot. She couldn't detach her experience with him from what was happening between the two characters. Beatrice wondered if she could ever make love again, because she didn't want it if it was anything like what her husband used to do. She wanted her partner to be gentle and caring of her wants and needs. She longed for true love, affection and dedication. Someone that could make her laugh and entertain her, cheer her up when she felt down. A friend and a lover. However Beatrice knew it was delusional to think a perfect man like this existed. Elliot taught her that good appearances always hide the worst souls.

The blonde then relativized a bit; she had Katya, and she could satisfy herself on her own regarding the only thing she couldn't give her. It wasn't fulfilling her desires, but it was better than all the real sex she had. Beatrice wondered how Katya handled this kind of things, since she didn't have anyone stable in her life. She thought the girl surely had a lover, or many, and somehow it brought a pang to her chest. It felt wrong to imagine her in the arms of another, and Beatrice realized she wanted to be the one holding her. Everything would be more simple if Katya was her partner. No one could treat her as good as she did, make her as happy as she did. That was for sure.

Beatrice heard some rumors about Katya's sexuality when she first reached out to her. Her late husband also had his word to say when he learned the private investigator would come to their house. He was enraged to have to welcome a "dyke bawd" in his home. Beatrice brushed it off, not because she didn't believe it, but because she didn't care. However now she did. If Katya really liked women she had some hope that the older woman could like her. Katya was really friendly with Beatrice, but she had no way of knowing if she appreciated her platonically or romantically. Sometimes the intense eye contact Katya held with the blonde made her feel like her friend was trying to tell her something. She wanted nothing more than to give in to the fire those eyes lit inside her. Beatrice let her mind wander to what a relationship with this woman would be, and ended up falling asleep to scenarios in which Katya was hers.

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