Let go

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Trixie tried to sleep but she suddenly felt sick. Her stomach was hurting and she got the urge to throw up. She quickly ran to the bathroom and let it out in the toilets. She stayed there for more than an hour, feeling nauseous every time she tried to stand up. When she finally had emptied her stomach, Trixie brushed her teeth and washed her face before going back to bed.

Katya called the Mattels house before noon, and even though Niles warned her that Beatrice was not feeling well she wanted to talk to her.

"Hey my baby. Niles told me you're ill, was my food that bad?" Katya joked.
"I don't know how you managed to make me sick with pasta. Or maybe I'm just lovesick" Trixie replied with a flirtatious tone.
"I am too. When can I see you?" Katya cooed.
"I think it's better if I take some rest today, I had a terrible night. But come tomorrow. I'll be home all day"
"You're right. I'll be there in the beginning of the afternoon. Get well soon my love"
"Thank you. I love you"
"I love you more. Bye"

Trixie took time preening in the mirror long before Katya would come. She wanted to be the prettiest for her. She had managed to send Niles do the groceries so she could kiss her lover and be lovey with her with no risk of getting caught.

"Hello Beatrice" Katya greeted formally when she arrived.
"Nobody's home honey" The blonde giggled.
"Oh" Katya smiled, and she kissed Trixie.
"You're so beautiful" The older woman whispered against her lover's lips.
"Thank you. You're gorgeous too. Let's go on the terrace"

They sat down at a table and Trixie brought two glasses of lemonade. They talked about Katya's current case and how terrible men were. The lady who hired Katya was being cheated on by her husband with so many women that it was difficult to keep count. Trixie went back inside shortly to refill their glasses, but as she set the tray on the kitchen counter she wanted to vomit again. She put her head over the sink and tried to take her hair out of her face. It had been a long time since she was gone, so Katya became worried and looked around for Trixie. When she saw her puke she rushed to her side and held her hair for her. She rubbed her back soothingly and filled a glass with water so the blonde could rinse her mouth. Beatrice did once she was done and put her hand down on her stomach to ease the pain.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I-" Trixie started, but stopped talking and gasped as she ran her hand over her belly.
"What? What's wrong darling?" Katya asked, panicked.
"I'm pregnant" Trixie muttered, her eyes widening. She started to shudder and cry from the shock of this realization. Katya took her in her arms and tried to process the news. She felt almost dizzy, but seeing her girlfriend so upset grounded her.
"How? Are you sure?"
"I haven't had my periods in probably 2 months. I thought it was the stress because of everything going on... But Elliot never used protections back then" Trixie confessed, gripping onto Katya's shirt. She was terrified.
"It will be okay Trixie, I'm here for you. Besides you have enough money to take care of a child, and nurses can help you" Katya said in an attempt to put things into perspective.
"You don't understand Katya, I don't want this baby. I never wanted to be a mother, I won't carry Elliot's offspring. I can't. It'll kill me" The blonde cried.
"Oh my love... I promise we'll find a way. I know someone who can give you an abortion, even though you have to know that this is very dangerous, and painful. I'll stick with you whatever you decide to do."
"I need this thing out of my body. I'm ready, no matter what the consequences are"
"Okay baby" Katya replied, a tear falling down her cheek. She knew some girls died from illegal abortions, or had serious infections. But Trixie seemed determined and after all it was her choice.

Katya called the woman who helped girls in Trixie's situation from the house phone. They planned to meet at Maggie's place on Saturday so Katya could come with Trixie.

"Thank you. I don't know what I would've done without you. I'm still not an independent woman" Trixie said, visibly disappointed in herself.
"You can't be on your own all the time. We'll go through this together. And what you're doing is so brave, baby. I love you"
"I love you Kats."

They kissed and hugged but quickly separated when they heard the front door open. Niles came in with plenty of bags and made his way to the kitchen.

"I should go. Call me anytime if you want to talk or if you're sick, I'll take care of you." Katya promised.
"Thank you my love. Good bye"

They saw each other on Wednesday at Katya's place, and the older woman explained all the information Maggie gave her to Trixie. They were both anxious, and Trixie couldn't stop bumping her leg up and down while they were in the car to meet Maggie. The woman opened her apartment door and hugged Katya, and then smiled warmly to Trixie and let them in. She helped the younger blonde to position herself properly on a sort of examination table and told her to unwind. The three of them chatted a bit while the analgesic drugs Trixie took diffused in her blood stream. When she was as relaxed as she could be, Maggie removed Trixie's clothes and started the intervention. Katya held her lover's hand and kissed her temple throughout the surgery. Trixie was wincing and whining in pain, and it was awful to see. After 30 minutes, Maggie managed to rip the embryo out. There was a lot of blood, and Trixie looked away not to pass out. Katya felt nauseous too but she focused on reassuring her girl. The bleeding stopped after a few minutes, and Maggie cleaned everything before leaving the room to let Trixie get dressed.

"How are you feeling?" Katya asked while zipping up the blonde's skirt.
"I'm scared. I just hope I will not bleed anymore and that it won't hurt too bad"
"I'll go buy some more medication for you. You did it Trixie, I'm so proud of you."

Trixie gave Maggie a big amount of money before leaving, even if she didn't ask for anything. She knew how much trouble the woman could get in because of her activities. Trixie and Katya thanked her and left discreetly. They went back to the Mattels mansion and since it was Saturday Niles had his night off, so Katya could stay.

She told Trixie to rest in her bedroom while she tried to cook something for them. The only thing she managed to do was sandwiches and cut up fruits, but it was good enough. She brought everything on the bed and they ate sat up against the headboard. When they were done they fully laid down and cuddled.

"Katya... I want to start a new life. With you" Trixie whispered while Katya played with her hair.
"That would be perfect baby. But you know we must always be discreet, we can't live together in a big city like this. Rumors could spread and it would be bad for your company"
"Let's move to another city. I can't stand living in this house anyway"
"Okay sweetheart. I'm not that rich though, so whatever place I'll be able to buy with you won't be as luxurious as this mansion" Katya warned.
"I have the money. Don't you worry about this, I'll cover all the expenses of our move. Also, I think I want to work. I've never had a job and sometimes I feel so useless at home." Trixie changed the subject so Katya wouldn't have the possibility to argue.
"We'll see. And sure angel, we're gonna look for jobs for the both of us. We will earn our wages and have a good life together"

Trixie hummed and closed her eyes, she scooted closer to Katya and hid her face in the blonde's neck. "I love you" She mumbled. Katya smiled and kissed Trixie's forehead. "I love you honey"

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