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A male wearing olive fatigues and a shemagh, walked back towards the direction of a military jeep with a silhouette sitting on one of the seats, seemingly casual with how open their posture is.

As they got closer, the four soldiers trailing behind the man who had saved them, went jaw-slacked at the sight of a woman sitting on the jeep, seemingly unguarded.

She was wearing a dimmed gray sando that had some smudges of blood on it. The sando hugged her torso tightly, showing off her gentle curves, and she also sported some dark green cargo pants paired with some boots and lastly there was a gun currently strapped around her torso and casually hanging from her back.

Onyx eyes locked with the same onyx ones and she immediately got down from the jeep and approached the group of men standing before her.

" 'sup." Was all she said once she stopped in front of the covered man. She patted his shoulder with a grin before her gaze locked on the soldiers behind him.

"Yaoryu, guard these people while I'll go get the others."

"You four, wait here for a while. My partner will guard you."

With that the unknown man said before he dashed off to another direction, leaving a female with four soldiers by the jeep.

The female had her fingerless gloved hand on her left hip with her weight leaning against her left side, blankly looking at the unknown man's back until it got smaller and smaller and then disappeared from her view.

She sighed and slid her free hand upwards through her fringes framing her face and glanced at the frozen soldiers, who were currently avoiding her gaze.

'Is she really gonna guard us..? She looks weak.. No, I shouldn't judge her based on her stature.' One of the soldiers thought, sneakily glancing at the woman.

Sighing again, "Come on, some towels are here to rid of the dust and dirt latching on your bodies and also to wipe your sweat." She beckoned them towards the jeep where they hesitantly complied.

Yaoryu watched the men wipe the sweat and dirt off their faces and bandaged each other up before looking away to keep a lookout on the area. She took out a plain black hair tie and gathered all strands of her ginger hair to tie it up in a half-assed ponytail, effectively making her vision better and crystal clear with no more strands blocking her vision.

Yaoryu took out her firearm and kept herself on guard, even though she was slouching and yawning every single damn time.

'I just wanna go back and sleep..'

"U- uhm, can we ask something..?" A soldier had come up to her mid-yawn with a nervous look on his face, making the female set her firearm on her shoulder and her free hand shoved in her pants' pocket, raising a brow as to urge the soldier to go on.

The soldier gulped and looked down, bringing a hand to his nape to rub it as an act of nervousness, "I was wondering why..you two were helping us." He managed to croak out, intimidated on how the female was almost towering over him.

The female scoffed and looked back at the open area with the soldier still beside her, awaiting her answer.

"We're only doing our commission." Was all she said which was good enough for the soldier to nod, understanding, and went back to his friends.

Yaoryu then spotted her partner coming towards them and finally relaxed, lowering down her firearm and strapping it back around her torso.

Three men followed behind him, one was sporting the weakened, with their arm around the soldier and the other was doing fine and walking around, functional.

The functional one's eyes grew wide once he spotted his platoon all sitting on a jeep, a grin rose on his face.

"How did you all get here!?" He asked, walking up to them with relief flooding in his senses that the rest of his platoon were all unharmed and safe.

"That man got us all out." Said a soldier, gesturing at the unknown male with his identity concealed. "He told us to wait here for a while and now he's come back with you."

A hand patted the unknown man's shoulder and he locked eyes with his partner, both of them nodding their heads, understanding what they had in mind.

"I stop here. My partner will drive you southwest and someone will be waiting for you." The unknown male stated, firmly standing his ground, the female beside him with her hands on her hips and her eyes narrowing at them.

'Partner..? She looks like a kid..' The blonde soldier looked in the female's direction and kept his mouth shut in understanding. "I see. Thank you.." He nodded his head at the two to support his words of gratitude.

"No need. We're just carrying out a commission." The unknown male replied.

'Mercenaries...I figured..' The blonde thought, smiling at the two, though he felt sad for the female seeing as she was just a teenager, or in other words, just a kid.

The blonde, or let's call him the Major. Major Kang stretched out his hand for a handshake, a smile tugging his lips, making the two look down at his outstretched hand, "Even if it's just another job for you both, I still want to thank you two for your help."

"Whatever the reason was, both of you still saved me and my men."

Silence hovered the three of them with the unknown male intensely looking at the hand. Yaoryu then caught a glint by the corner of her eyes and squinted them in that direction.

Her onyx eyes widened when something hurled towards them, "GET DOWN!" she exclaimed loud enough to reach the other men as she pulled both Major Kang and her partner down with her.

The bomb had landed on their area and had momentarily deafened them and blinded them all with the dust.

Major kang had covered both of his ears and frantically checked his men and professor, relief flooding back in when he saw they were safe from the impact.

Then his attention got caught by guns being fired, catching a glimpse of other men getting shot left to bleed to death or if they're lucky, they died the moment they got shot. Dust finally cleared the surroundings and Major Kang's eyes widened when he saw the unknown male with the cloth covering his face gone.

Yaoryu was also beside him and unfazedly shot the enemies one by one down, not the least bit bothered at the blood and the recoil of her firearm. Even more so, she actually looked bored than scared or nervous.

'They're still fighting by themselves!?'

Now that he got a good look on the unknown male, he had platinum silver hair and youthful features, making major Kang's eyes widen more.



In a school already busying themselves with specific subjects' discussions, while in one classroom was the introduction of new students.

"Eyes up here, everyone."

Students, girls and boys alike all gawked at their two new classmates in front of them, excluding some individuals.

"We have two new students joining us today." The teacher announced with a smile on her face as she stood beside the students with a notebook tucked in her arm.

Yaoryu yawned behind her hand, tears sprouting from the corners of her eyes as she leaned back with a slouched form.

The silver gray male though had his back straight and mannerisms in check, a smile on his face as he made his face look friendly and approachable.


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