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The sun was now setting but the shirtless men were still jogging, yelling out numbers in loud voices while their major was just in the building, watching over them.

"Major." A man with black hair said, coming up to the blonde male who was currently crossing his arms. "Isn't it today?"

"The kids' first day of school, sir." The man smiled, whereas the major just looked back at his men who was currently jogging, shirtless.

"That's right." The major replied, "We trained them for six months, but I can't help worrying." The blonde expressed, a stern look still on his face.

"Ijin lived in such a harsh place since he was nine until he met yaoryu at 10..I just hope the both of them adjusts well to being back home." The other guy stated, a sullen and sympathetic look on his face.

"My special lessons in my life in my korea will have prepared them both well enough." The major stated smugly, sparkles clouding around him as he looked proud of his accomplishment.

"Of course, sir. No doubt!"

Ijin just punch the fat guy straight on the face with blood gushing out of his nose, effectively knocking him out unconscious, which resulted in him topping over a bunch of tables and chairs.

He then sighed, "Well, there goes our promise to Major Kang." He stated, a breeze suddenly dancing thru him but his dramatically cool scene was interrupted with a certain someone's throat being cleared, gaining his attention.

"What do you mean 'our'. I still kept my promise, you bimbo. You're the only one who broke it." Yaoryu clarified, a deadpanned look on her face as her eyebrow twitched when she suddenly got involved with his phrasing which Ijin chuckled at.

"Right, right, sorry ryu."

Ijin dismissed playfully, before his eyes and expression turned serious when he glanced back front.

'His eyes are rolled back already. Did he really just faint from just on blow?' Ijin thought, walking up the small wooden stairs and stopped just beside the unconscious body of the fat man.

Though the moment he stepped into the store's wooden porch, the female with a bun and the buzz cut male immediately flinched, making ijin glance at them.

In a split second, ijin had already jumped away from his spot and was now right in front of the buzz cut, delivering a hard punch to the stomach which Yaoryu whistled at, unfazed at the one sided fight she was currently witnessing.

The female with a bun squealed when she witnessed the buzz cut flew over the porch's railing and crashed roughly on the dirty ground.

Although she was enjoying the show, it was clear as day that dayeon wasn't, with how noticeable her flinches were when a loud racket was heard, making yaoryu continue her gentle touches with her brown tresses. Which somehow manage to calm her down, enough to not have a breakdown right then and there.

Yaoryu then noticed ijin turned around and glared at the stunned bunned female, making her shudder in shock and fear.

"Ijin?" Dayeon called out, making ijin's head snap towards her. The brunett's own shaky hands on its way to remove the blindfold covering her beautiful abyss-like eyes. Yaoryu teared herself away from dayeon's body and carefully remove her tie from dayeon, and slung it back under her upper uniform's collar, not bothering to tie it back into a bow.

Meanwhile, dayeon looked around, clearly confused, 'What just happened? They prevented me from seeing anything for hardly a minute..'

She looked too confused and innocent that almost resurfaced a chuckle from yaoryu's lips, she amusedly stared at dayeon with a glint that made ijin's onyx eyes narrow at her with a small smile accompanying it.

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