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When she said something was gonna go wrong today, not wrong as in her slapping the fuck out of some blondie bitch and standing protectively in front of ijin's younger sister.

She thought maybe she was gonna get called out to the teacher today for sleeping in his class or maybe she would get pickpocketed, wtf man already walking to school exerts too much energy from me but dealing with bullies are overruling the word "too much".

Her onyx eyes narrowed into a glare directed at the shocked blonde infront of her who had a huge ass red mark on the side of her face, she clicked her tongue and shoved her hands in her sweater's pockets and remained still on her spot in front of dayeon, who looked battered and dirty.

"How does it feel to get slapped in place for once?" Yaoryu asked calmly, her widened glaring eyes piercing through the blonde extra's soul.

The brunette behind the blonde squeaked when Yaoryu's eyes met hers and quickly looked away, making yaoryu frown.

"H-how dare you.." The blonde trailed off, her eyes speaking loss of sanity as she shakily touched the sore red spot on the side of her face.

Yaoryu cocked her head to the side, "How dare I what? How dare I put you in your place? Ma'am please, it was meant to happen sooner or later. So it's best to do it now than wait for the later to happen." She spat out, looking away from the blonde and pulled out a simpl white handkerchief, giving it to the brunette behind her.

"Dayeon, use this to wipe the germs on your vest and then you can go to where your brother is."

Was all the words it took for dayeon to stand up and run towards where her big brother's classroom is, in fear that he was getting beaten up by people just because she stepped in for her.

Yaoryu watched dayeon's back fading away into the distance and let out a sigh when she caught a slap about to hit her in the face, catching the blonde and brunette off guard.

The ginger coldly gazed at them and dropped down to the ground to slide her leg under the blonde's feet and used the momentum to twirl her around and trap her between the ground and knee situated on her back. She had made sure to not twist the arm as she knew she would get suspended or maybe expelled and worry her nana more.

"How does it feel? How does it feel being back on the ground like where you rightfully belong, huh?" The ginger taunted, further angering the blondie who attempted to squirm underneath her weight, but alas she couldn't move to get up.

"Let go of me, you bitch!"

Yaoryu pressed her knee more on her back, making the blonde groan in pain. She caught her friend's eyes and nodded with gritted teeth, though yaoryu just glared at the brunette when she noticed she was about to pick up that plank to bash her head with.

"Move a single muscle if you don't wanna find out how I twist someone's arm."

The two froze, dread filling in their senses as they could feel the genuineness with the ginger's tone.

Yaoryu grinned psychotically, her eyes wide awake than ever and adrenaline kicking in her veins as her eyes watched the two squirming bugs with childlike glee.

"Aww come on, what's wrong?" She mocked the female beneath her, tightening her grip on the blonde tresses she had grabbed while subduing her. The blonde could do nothing but grit her teeth and clenched her fists tighter. Though the grin she had came tumbling down when she couldn't see or hear anymore responses from the two, thus draining away her excitement quickly.

The ginger clicked her tongue and roughly tugged at the blonde's head and harshly slam it down on the pavement, resulting on a bloody forehead which the brunette gasped in shock and go teary-eyed in worry.

The blonde felt dizzy and looked out of it, making the ginger sigh and stand up from the blonde.

She numbly stared at the unconscious blonde for a second before shifting her gaze on the brunette who had flinched and trembled more under her gaze.

"If I see you both still coming at dayeon, I wouldn't end it here with just a blood forehead and a slapped cheek." She had stated, before walking away from the scene and to the school to check up on the siblings.

She knew ijin's gonna freak when he sees the slap mark and the obvious shoe print dusted on her vest, so she gave the men facing ijin right now some mercy as he definitely would've beat the shit out of them on the spot but sorry boys, she doesn't have the power to magically make the slap mark dissapear so best of luck to you unfortunate men.

Sorry for the short chapter

dbsjbdkdbe just promised myself

o update this book,
before I do my mods
dhsjbdd so here you go guys.
Hope you enjoyed the food😌


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