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Touhou Project is owned by ZUN and Team Shanghai Alice. I do not own anything.

"Ability name"
"Eirin, that man is dangerous! He must not be in Gensokyo at all costs!" The gap youkai said.
"Woah, chill. This dude's been pretty decent from what I could tell, and he's been honest with me the entire time. What are you saying?" Mokou said. "He's the reason why my powers are weakened, and why I'm severely wounded!" The gap youkai yelled.

"Y/N, is that true?" Mokou asked. "Yes, that's true. But back then, I only thought about the Moon and its glory. I was a mindless slave, and I regret following orders as if it were my only duty. I know this sounds a bit cliché, but I left the Moon on my own accord because I didn't want to be used for selfish causes anymore. You could say I'm creating my own paths and choices now. So, please forgive me, Great Youkai Sage!" I apologized while getting on both knees and bowing.

It was quiet for a moment, but then the Youkai Sage started giggling. "Fufufu, what a polite boy with good manners. People like you are quite hard to find, you know. Other than that, you make me feel like a queen. But alright then, I forgive you," she said.

"Thank you for your kindness!" I said. "Ara ara~ you're way to amusing to watch," the Youkai Sage said. The rest of the people in the room were just awkwardly watching while this was going on. "Well...that escalated quickly," Princess Kaguya said. "Hate to agree with you, but yeah, that sure did," Mokou agreed. Eirin was just silent.

"Hey Y/N," Mokou called. "Could you tell me a more specific reason on why you left?" She asked. "Alright then. When I was on the Moon, I always felt like I was on the 'good' side, and I felt like the side I was on was the 'righteous' one, that we were the heroes. But then I realized that no one can be truly righteous or evil. Which is why I left the Moon. I then realized that no one is good or bad, everyone is a neutral, whether a good or a bad one. After all we're all either good or evil in one way or another, which effectively makes us a neutral. I guess you could say that I wanted to become a good neutral, not a bad one. In short, I just wanted to become a better person," I explained.

Everyone was silent about my explanation, and they all seemed to be deep in thought. "Anyway, Princess Kaguya," I said
"Me and Mokou-san were originally here to fight you. Do you mind if we fight right now?"
"...uh, sure thing. I'm just kind of surprised to see things could escalate so quickly."
"So, who you guys betting on?" Mokou asked. "Y/N," everyone said. Mokou just put up a smirk. "Heh, alright Y/N! Kick her ass!" Mokou cheered. "Shut up, Mokou!" Princess Kaguya yelled. "Make me, bitch!" Mokou yelled back.

"So, are we using danmaku or not?" I asked. "It depends, do you want to?" She asked. "Nah, I'm not quite proficient in that," I said. "Alright then, fair warning, my ability is eternity manipulation. I can make things happen in an eternity, or an instant," Princess Kaguya explained. "If you're going to introduce your ability, then it's fair to explain mine," I said while summoning Pistols. "It allows me to summon 6 bullets that help me redirect my bullets," I explained.

"B-but...those are just regular bullets with marker drawn on them...I don't really think you have an abili-"
"Less talk, more violence!"

Multiple sniper shots were shot towards her, but it seems like she made it so that my bullets will take an eternity to reach her. Scanning my surroundings, I see a metal sign beside Eientei. Calculating the trajectory No. 1 is going to go, I grab No. 1 and flick it out of my hand, as if I were shooting a gun. All of this happened in a yottasecond.

Princess Kaguya on the other hand, was busy shooting lasers and danmaku at me. I guess she was feeling extra dickish, since she made the projectiles take an instant to go towards me. 'I wonder if Mokou had to deal with that. Must've hurt like a bitch,' I thought. As I was busy dodging, Princess Kaguya and the others couldn't even follow my movements.

"W-what the hell are you! How the hell are you dodging my danmaku?!" Princess Kaguya asked. The spectators were also speechless. To them, it looked like I was teleporting all over the place to dodge her danmaku. After stopping, I decided to tell her a load of bullshit. After all, Mokou told me that taunting Princess Kaguya is highly effective.

"Bullshitery, son. It activates in response to impossible situations," I said while instantaneously punching my fist on the ground. "You can't hurt me, neet," I taunted. "In fact, it's just a difference in skill, you're just bad. It's simply just skill issue. Get better, neet," I taunted even more.

"You...insignificant fu-"
As she was about to curse me, I decided to be a dick and just shoot her jaw out. "cou...curgh...couco..." Princess Kaguya gurgled. "What's that? Can't hear you. Are you trying to say something?" I taunted as I put my right hand to my ear.

She simply held an angry expression while flipping me off. "Oh? Is that all you can do? Flip me off? Hah! Pathetic!" I taunted. "Shut the hell up! You damn delusional rabbit!" Princess Kaguya yelled. Seems like she reformed quite quickly. "Oh? What's wrong? Did I hit a nerve? If you're so mad, then hurry up and approach me. Aren't you gonna punch in the face? Or are you simply too weak to land a powerful blow?" I taunted once again.

"Why you little fuck!" Princess Kaguya yelled as she ran towards me. She started to launch predictable and messy blows at me once she got close. After dodging most of her blows, I soon got bored and decided to do a dickish counterattack. As she threw a wild, right haymaker, I grabbed her right forearm as I was dodging. Once I was right next to her, I hit a devastating elbow strike to her face. *CRUNCH*

'Perfect...' I thought as felt her nose break. She was then kneeling down with her hands to her nose, which was spouting out like a fountain. Grabbing my rifle and wielding it like a bat, I hit her in the face with the butt of the rifle. After launching her into the air, I waited for a second and checked my watch. "No.1 should be arriving in just," I said. No.1 came out of nowhere and lodged itself into the Princess Kaguya's head.

'Huh. Strange. I didn't think it'd make a cracking noise. I guess No.1 just hit a hard spot on her head,' I thought as I shot No.1, whom was in the Princess' head. The energy from the bullet transferred through No.1 and went into her body, causing her body to explode from the energy. Also, don't even dare to ask how that works. This is Gensokyo.
A healthy explosion appeared and completely obliterated Princess Kaguya.
After that little scuffle, I decided to simply leave. Of course, making sure not to leave like an unfortunate child's father, I explained that I was going to explore Gensokyo for a little while.

" was nice meeting you Y/N, hope we meet next time. Also, nice beatdown. You gotta tell me some new attacks so I could use them on Kaguya! That explosion was immense!" Mokou said.

"Maybe we'll meet again...but please refrain from hurting Kaguya-sama too much," Eirin asked. "And also, please don't fight her often. It's already a pain dealing with their constant bickering," Eirin said, obviously referring to Mokou and Princess Kaguya.

"You're quiet an interesting fellow...I'm sure Reimu would love your company!" The Gap Youkai said. Judging by her tone and expression, she might be plotting something mischievous, so it's best that I keep my guard up around Gensokyo. After all, she is the Gap Youkai.

After departing, I climbed up a bamboo stalk, I looked across the sunset. " truly is a beautiful place..." I muttered to myself. After seeing which way was the exit. I carefully climbed through the bamboo and made my leave out of the forest.

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