Human Village

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Touhou Project is owned by ZUN and Team Shanghai Alice. I do not own anything.
Gensokyo, the land of illusions. Home to bloodthirsty youkais and magic. Though its inhabitants are much more bizarre. From lazy shrine maidens to a dimension breaking drunkard, they don't come as close to how bizarre a certain delusional lunarian is. And that lunarian is...


The lunarian who somehow defeated Yukari. The chuunibyou who's skills actually make up for his lack of powers. The strongest (former) lunarian soldier. And now, he might become a resident of Human Village considering how he's literally outside of it.

'This should be Human Village. They always said humans were inferior to us back on the Moon, but I wonder if that's really true or not. Especially because there are humans like the Hakurei shrine maiden.' He thought as he reminisced a memory a few decades ago.

Noticing his mind drifting somewhere else, he shook the memory away and decided to approach the village.

A few moments later, he appeared before two guards guarding the entrance. They had rather worn out armor and decent spears by their sides.

"Halt! Are you a youkai or a human!" One guard said.

Taking the obvious choice, he went with lying about being human, although he felt a little uncomfortable about it.

"Uh...a human...I guess. By the way, what's a youkai?" Y/N said, acting dumb to try and sound believable.

"Huh, you must be an outsider then, right? You're wearing strange clothing and you have a very strange object attached to your back. Well then, welcome to Human Village, outsider. This is a place where us humans reside in to be safe from youkai,"

"As to answer your question about youkai, they're man-eating monsters who look very similar to humans. The only difference is their abnormal strength and abilities," the other said. They both gullibly believed, dropping their guard and lowering their spears. As if they thought every word coming from Y/N was an absolute truth.

'I can't believe they fell for that! Are they really that gullible?! If they were lunarian guards, they'd be punished in an instant!' Y/N exclaimed in his head, surprised on how incompetent the guards were.

Trying to think of something to say, he quickly thought about ending the conversation then and there. After all, he has a very important task to do.

"Understandable, have a great day," he said in a serious tone as he walked away. He honestly just thought of the most reasonable and most straightforward goodbye he could muster.

"You too! I recommend you check out the library! You can find a bunch of-aaaannnd he's gone...great I was thinking of becoming friends with him..." the guard said after being cut-off from Y/N walking into the distance. He walked by a certain blonde haired magician who he thought was strange, but decided to ignore her and avert his stare.

"Hey, I'm your fri-"

"Shut up, Daisuke."

'The only thing left for me here is to book a hotel and plan.' He thought as he leaned on a wall. He was currently in a dark alleyway trying to think of any countermeasures to put up against his former military.

'There's no doubt some lunarians would come searching for me, and I doubt they would show mercy to people who were in their way while they were searching. So the best way is to stay low for now. Maybe take down some lunarians here and there,' he thought.

His thoughts were cut short when a mother and her child were walking past him.

"Mommy, who's that weird, creepy looking guy over there?" The child said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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