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I am truly dead.
The realization hits me hard on the cause of my death.
I died on my bed for some unknown reason.

I DIED!!!!!
Aaaahhhh!!!!!The frustration of knowing that my life ended just like that hit me hard!!!
I am so angry and if there is anything around me I would have thrash them hard into broken things.

After 10 minutes of thrashing around in anger,I started crying knowing that I never accomplished any notable things in my life except living in a small room in my parents house. I've been unemployed since 2018.Then the world was overwhelmed with Covid 19 leaving most people jobless due to a quarantine period of one and half years.

And here I am.My soul awoke in the middle of empty,white fluorescent surrounding.I began looking around everywhere.Am I going to heaven?I don't think so..because I am not a religious and a kind soul during my lifetime on earth.Then,in the midst of looking around I noticed a small black dot from  far far away on the horizon.Without anything to do,my soul floated around towards the dot.

What the hell!!It's so far away!!What is that thing?
My soul floated and move.I don't know how long I moved to reach it.During the floating and moving I keep being reminded how my life has ended.Sometimes during the walk,I cried,feeling angry and disappointed on how I lived my live.I don't know how long,maybe around two weeks of walking or could I say floating and moving at walk paced I finally almost reach it.There it is.I see a silhouette a person in nice looking outfit.He is wearing a double trenched coat,a top hat and holding a cane.Is that..Kleinn Moretti?I amused.

He's been looking at me the entire time.I mean my soul that are currently floating around.Then his hand gestured at me to come to him.My perception of him?Of course I am terrified!!Imagining him as the angel of death that's going to take me away to hell makes my soul shivering in fear.With the gesture of his hand,my floating soul automatically moving towards him.I frantically protested not to go,trying so hard to not let him taking me away to hell but unfortunately it is to no avail.Alas,my soul was in front of him.

I said in my mind of soul.He felt so big in front of me.Feeling like an ant confronting an elephant fear enveloping my whole soul. “Hello” he said.The moment he said that,I break into tears and started confessing to him asking for forgiveness.Im sorry Sir please…I regret my actions.I know I’m not religious enough in my life ,but please…dont take me to hell.Please kind sir.I addressed him as Kind Sir as I dont  know if he is an angel or a god.Therefore by the way of his attire of the day,I addressed him politely as sir .For 15 minutes I keep on begging and crying hoping in my soul heart that he  can hear me.Not uttering a word aside from the previous “hello”,I knew I fucked up.I guess in my soul heart my life is over now.

Then I started to shut up and resigned to my fate of entering hell for eternity.

Reborn With Two Systems.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin