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        I think this may be one of the more important parts of making an oc- and I think that's because so much relies on personality. The way they interact with others, how they act when they're alone, how they react to different things, etc. 

One of the more important things to look out for in your oc's personality is making sure that each trait flows together. And what I mean by that is to make sure the traits don't contradict themselves. You wouldn't want a character that is extremely loud and outspoken that talks all the time but then say that they're extremely anti social. Those contradict each other. That is not something you want.

        Now when I say that- to most rules there are loopholes. This is one of those rules. You could have an oc that is loud and outspoken near friends but then you out them in a room with strangers and have them be anti social. This is why when making oc's its best to be as specific as you can.

         There are other loopholes too, I'm just saying one. 

        Another thing I do, to ensure I'm not making a Mary Sue (or a character that actually needs more pzazz)) I always try to balance out the amount of good traits with the amount of bad traits. So if I have 5 good traits (that fit together) then I'll try to get 5 bad traits that fit with all the good traits and fit together. 

        Now, just for you guys I will make a list of positive and negative traits. There are also neutral traits but those are basically just traits that are neither good or bad. You can probably figure a few of those out, so heres my list of positive and negative:


Affectionate, cheerful, easy-going, considerate, courageous, flexible, friendly, active/hardworking, humble, mature optimistic, perfectionist, responsible, confident, selfless, trusting, witty,cautious, calm, funny, loyal, popular, nerdy, wise  and creative- just to name a few. 


Distant, gloomy, grumpy, inconsiderate, cowardly, stubborn, unfriendly, conceited, immature, pessimistic, allows imperfections, irresponsible, overconfident, selfish, suspicious, anxious, awkward, bossy, evil, fussy, jealous, liar, moody and mean. 

        You can just search in google "Character trait list" and some stuff should come up. 

        Also, another thing you might notice about a lot of them as that they're opposites. You can take any positive trait and make it negative. For an example, take creative- flip it around and you get uncreative. 

          Another thing about the list is that you may have read few that you could've thought I put in the wrong list. For example, perfectionist isn't always a good thing. Just like allowing imperfections isn't always a bad thing. It just depends to the extent of the trait. An oc that never allows imperfections and is 100% perfectionist is not a good thing so you'd count that as one of their negative traits. 

        I think writing down how your oc would treat other characters depending on their personalities would be a very good idea. Then you start to understand how they act and understand their personality more. The more the better. 

        They might act differently around their best friend then around their crush. Or their friend than their enemy, etc. 

        So this is all the main ideas in creating a personality for your oc, I hop you found this semi helpful? 

Okay, until next time, 


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