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So basically, here is where I'll explain some terms with you.

Without further or due:

Mary Sue/ Marty Stu-

(I'm about to get worked up on this one. I think I could rant about these forever. I'll try not to.:D ))

(Note: If you have an oc that is currently a Mary Sue or Marty Stu - I'm not talking about your oc specifically. I'm talking about the majority of these types of oc's. And I do admit to making a few Mary Sue's when I first started making oc's. I'm just telling whoever is reading about what I learned from making them and from reading about making them.)

(Also, Mary Sue is the girl version, Gary Stu is the guy version)

These are oc's that are designed and are too perfect. So, it's having a character that knows how to do everything, is gorgeous/handsome, has everyone chasing them around in awe, has no flaws, everyone in the story loves them...

Sorry, but people are not like this. And even the people who are similar to Mary Sue's and Marty Stu's- still have noticeable flaws.

The Mary Sue's and Marty Stu's are always the heroes in the story and rp when they're in it, and never let's anyone else have spotlight.

Again, people are not like this. True, some people always like having the spotlight, BUT they don't always get what they want now do they? Nope they don't.

Also- when some people make them without knowing they're making Mary's and Marty's, they try giving them a horrible past to make up for their amazing skills... Yeah, that just makes them more of a Mary Sue or Marty Stu.

I'm sure most of you have either rped with or read a fanfic/story that had a Mary or Marty. Now I don't know about you but they annoy the daylights out of me and are partially the reason I decided to make this for Wattpad.

I personally-and I bet there's many of you who agree- want a character they can relate to in some way, you want a well thought out character that you like. Well, it's awfully hard to relate to a Mary or Marty since they're perfect in the story and in reality nobody is perfect.


Please make your oc have flaws, it's what makes them fun and more realistic which is basically the goal for making oc's.

God Modding-

Here is where your oc is god-like. This basically means they rise above all others and have powers to do things that are basically impossible. ((This varies from series to series and book to book))

Self Inserts-

This more pertains to the fanfic writers out there, although it wouldn't hurt to know what it is even if you don't write fanfic.

No I'm not talking about the x Reader fanfics people read and write... I'm talking about where people put themselves into the story. Yeah, people don't really dig these.

Now, I had to go online and look to see why people don't like them because personally, I don't mind most.

Now I guess, the reason they can be annoying is that authors want to make themselves seem cooler then they already are. This leads to becoming Mary Sue or Marty Stu-ish.

So I guess if you love writing fanfiction with your self insert, just be careful not to make yourself sound like a Mary or Marty. :)

I think that's it for now. If I think of more I'll add it.

More to come later.

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