Meeting bambam

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Pebbles pov
Me and my parents are currently walking up to the adoption center with rey and angie to pick up their new son.

Angie isn't able to have any kids which very sad, but they made the decision to adopt a boy who is my age instead I'm 17 years old so this should be interesting.

Once we are inside one of the adoption agents walk up to us with someone behind. "Hello welcome everyone, rey angie I'd like for you to meet your new son" she says pushing him from behind her, he's a little dirty and his hair is black and really really long and his eyes are brown.

He's a little bit shy and skiddish so he goes back and hides behind her again. "Oh he's adorable isn't he rey?" I hear angie say as rey agrees holding her hand. "Adorable? they would've been better off with a monkey" I hear my dad whisper as I gasp smacking his arm "dad that isn't nice and I agree he's pretty cute" I say as see him poke his head from behind the lady again looking at me.

I look directly at him giving him a smile and small wave he gets skiddish again and goes back to hiding, "what's his name?" rey asks the lady "bambam" she says "huh?" rey and angie both say at the same time "bam bam bam" she says giving a light chuckle. Bambam? bambam hehe that's cute "see he doesn't really speak at all and he's a little scared and territorial, but even I would be if I was raised by mastadons" she says laughing as I gasp "mastadons?" Me rey and angie say in terror.

I've hear about mastadons in school and I've seen what they can do, gosh poor thing all alone having to fend for himself with no family. "Well it seems like all he needs is a little lovin" rey says smiling hugging angie close to him. "I couldn't agree more with you guys" I say as I walk to stand by their side, "come here big guy" rey says to bambam calmly but he just peeks from behind the lady giving a slight loud growl making us jump before going back behind the lady.

"He growled" "it's cute" both rey and angie say as rey reaches his hand out towards bambam "it's alright I'm your new dad" he say as bambam start sniffing his hand looking at him and angie he smiles a little as he looks a me giving a slight head turn, "I-i'm pebbles it's nice to meet you" I say extending my hand so he can smell it. When he does I giggle a bit cause it tickles that makes him smile even more as he starts licking my hand "mom look look he likes me" I say all excited as my mom pulls out her camera taking a picture.

The flash goes off as bambam screams from the bright light "BAM BAM!!" he yells hitting rey in the head with his stick as he runs towards the window "bambam no!" I scream out ot him but it's too late he jumps right out the window. "Oh no the flash of the camera scared him, quick we have to catch him" I say as me my parents rey and angie run out of the building taking off after bambam "bambam stop!" rey and angie say as he runs into traffic nearly getting hit by cars "bambam wait this too dangerous" I say running faster to try and catch up to him before he can go any farther.

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