After (school) Play

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A/n: Here's a picture of my cat ╹◡╹Hope you like the chapter!)

Michael POV


A loud noise came from my Pac-man alarm clock

"Ughh.." I groaned, my hand flailing around trying to find the snooze button

A loud thud sounded, which I assumed was my clock.

I mumbled incoherently and tried to go back to sleep.






"..Man just five more minutes.. would that be so much to ask..?" I sat up reluctantly and stretched. I saw that my Pac-man clock was still on my dresser.

If my alarm clock was still on my dresser.. then what did I push to the floor??

I looked down and saw my phone.

"Aw man, Seriously!? I hope it didn't crack." I sighed and picked up my phone.

I checked the time. 7:15am.

"It should be illegal to make kids to go school so early."

Despite my complaining, I knew I had to go to school. It would be worth it to see Jeremy at the hospital later. I couldn't believe that it was just yesterday that the whole play fiasco happened. I wondered if everyone's SQUIPs were gone for good.

I changed out of my creeper onesie and into my classic black sweatpants and my favorite hoodie. I quickly did some leftover Trigonometry homework; you'd think that the teachers would be more lenient because of the events of yesterday and with a bunch of kids literally getting hurt from a fire, but many of them were plain oblivious.

I checked my phone again- 7:25am-
Right on time.

I took a few minutes to collect my thoughts as I twirled around on my wooden bedroom floor. I know it's childish to still do it now at 16, but ever since I was little, I loved to pretend I was some kind of ballet dancer or figure skater as my socks slipped across the floor. It made me feel so.. alive? I could be a roller skater or even pretend that I was walking on water!


My mamà. What time was it?

"YOURE GOING TO BE LATE!! Son las siete y cuarenta! Dios mío que voy hacer con este nene"

Shoot. It was 7:40 already?

I quickly skidded downstairs, almost tripping but I caught myself last minute.
"Sorry, mamá! Where is nanay?"

My mom kissed me on the forehead and answered: "Your nanay is at work already. She kissed you goodbye while you were sleeping"

"Oh- I wish I could've said bye." I put on my shoes and grabbed one of my mom's tasty pan-de-quesos.
"Sí, well today she had an early shift at the ER."

I nodded. My nanay was a really renowned doctor at MountainSide Hospital where she worked. Jeremy and that popular kid Rich were staying there to recover.
Now that I thought about it, if Rich hadn't told Jeremy about the SQUIP, things would be normal. But I guess I can't really blame him. Rich was an outcast before he got the SQUIP. It's hard to imagine him as shy and nerdy. I chuckled just at the thought of it.

"Michael. Me escuchas?? Estas tarde mijo." My mom snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Adelante, vente I'll drive you."

I just realized that I was spacing out. I did that a bunch lately.

"No, it's okay Mamà. I'll drive myself."

"You're not even paying attention to me right now mijo. What makes you think you'll be able to focus while you drive mister?"

"Mamá.. I've got it."

My mom already took the keys from the mini bowl where we keep them. "Too late. Come on Michael let's go."

I knew it was useless to argue with her so I exhaled and followed suit.

• • •

I bucked my seatbelt and rested my head against the window.

"Estás bien, mijo?" My mom asked as we pulled out of the driveway.

I nodded and shrugged.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She laughed and added with a sly smile: "How's Jeremy?"

"Ma.. why are you making that face...?" It was enough that the whole school thought that Jeremy and I were "dating" but even my family shipped us. I couldn't even properly figure out my sexuality! How could they just assume they know who I like when I couldn't even tell? Just because Jeremy and I are (were? No, no, are.) really close and do everything together doesn't mean anything. I bet the kids at my school never had real friendships. Besides, they should know by now that he obviously likes Christine Canigula. And what's not to like? She's sweet, quirky in a cute way, and bubbly so a bunch of people like her. She doesn't care what people think about her and she's all set either way. I wish I were like that.

She shook her head and kept smiling "nothing,"

"Well, Jeremy is in the hospital so I wouldn't know."

"Aren't you going to see him later today after school?"

"Yeah. I guess ill know then, mamá."

My mom giggled. I just sighed and turned on the radio in the car. Bob Marley always made me feel better. My mom got the memo that I didn't want to talk anymore and so she just hummed along to the songs. At least she's cultured.

• • •

I opened the car door and started to get out. "Goodbye mi amor! Have a great day at school. I can pick you up after school to go see Jeremy and Nanay."

I shuddered at the way she cooed my best friend's name. "No, it's okay Ma I'll just walk or take the bus or something."

"All right. If you say so mijo."

"Bye, Mamá." And with that, I shut the door and walked up the steps to my school.

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