Good Morning

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Jeremy's POV

I looked over at Michael, who was snoring. I looked down and a puddle of drool was sprawled over his pillow and sheets. I smiled. It was comforting to know that Michael never changed.

I sat up and stretched. I wanted to check the time but my phone was on Michael's night table.. which was next to Michael. I didn't want to wake him up so I tried reaching for my phone. You'd think someone who gets called "Tallass" would have long arms, but unfortunately I didn't.

I managed to grab my phone and earbuds, just barely, but I elbowed Michael in the back. I cursed under my breath and stayed still for a few seconds. Michael simply turned around and continued sleeping. I exhaled, relieved. 

I had a bunch of texts from a groupchat named.. 


Strange. I backread and it seemed like everyone was going to go meet Rich at the hospital today, he was getting discharged. Then, we'd all go to the mall. That seemed like fun, and Christine was going so I'd definitely go. 

I quickly texted back that I would come, and  was just about to hit send when I thought of Michael. I didn't want to leave him again, especially since we had so much stuff to catch up on. I thought about it for a while but then decided to ask him if he wanted to come along. Surely, he'd agree? He loved the mall.

J-Heere: I'll be there!!

Jakey-D: cool beans!

Christine❤️💫: That's great! I'm coming too, just finishing up a gift basket for Rich.

(Btw, this is Christine's user on Jeremy's phone, Jake's is just what Jake has as a default, and Jeremy made no changes to it. Jeremy's is his own username.)

I put on my earbuds and watched YouTube for about an hour, and then I heard someone say my name. I took out an earbud and looked to my right. Michael had woken up.

"Jeremy?" Michael squinted his eyes at me. We both needed glasses, but his vision was a hundred times worse than mine.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What time is it..?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"About 10:30.

"Oh.. okay." He grabbed his glasses from his nightstand and looked at me. 

"Did you eat breakfast?"

"No, I waited for you. Plus, you know how self-conscious I am about asking for food, even at your house."

"You should've just asked. You know you're like my mums' second son.

I smiled. "Yeahh but still."

He shook his head and stood up. "Come on let's go. I'm hungry and I also need to pee."

I removed the covers and stood up as well. "Haha, alright. Go do that."

I waited in his room as Michael went to use the restroom. Once he got out, we walked downstairs together to the kitchen. 

"Buenos días cariños!" Michael's mama greeted us. Micheal is right, they really do treat me as if I were their son as well. It felt so nice. I can't believe I wanted to leave this behind.

"Hola, mamá." Michael kissed his mom on her cheek as I stood awkwardly by the kitchen entrance. Then, his mom motioned for me to come over, and so I did. She hugged me and I smiled. She smelled like cinnamon, and I looked over at Michael. He also sometimes smelled like cinnamon. 

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