The real Richard Goranski

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A/n: TW: Slight mention of sewerslide

Hope you enjoy, otherwise!!

Rich's POV

As soon as Jeremy, his dad, and ant- I mean Michael. Left the hospital, I was lonely once more. It was totally unfair that once Jeremy woke up he got to go to school that same day! I guess I couldn't really say anything since I almost burned myself and a bunch of other kids.. deliberately..

A few moments later, a nurse came in and gave me the nasty hospital breakfast. Ewh.. Instead of complaining, I smiled slightly and nodded my thanks. In response, she said that I would be released tomorrow. Finally..!

I grinned for real now and turned on the TV to watch while I ate.

Huh. The news station was on. They turned the camera away from the reporter and I saw.. my school??? I nearly choked on my soggy cereal.

Why would they be at school?

"First, some kid burns down this other student's house, reportedly a suicide attempt? And then-"

I turned off the TV and cringed. People were still talking about that? It's been like almost a month.. Thanksgiving is next Thursday! And that incident happened on Halloween.. I sighed and almost breathed in a frosted flake through my nose.

The day passed pretty slowly. Jake texted me about the day and asked me if I was ok, as he usually did, He can be pretty nice sometimes. For some reason, that made me think about Michael. I shrugged and tried to think about anything else but he kept appearing in my mind.

"You're so dumb, Brain!! Stop thinking about anti-social headphones kid" I mumbled to myself.


My eyes widened at this familiar voice. I turned my head and saw Michael in the doorway.

He fully opened the door, stepped in and closed it behind him.

"Who is anti-social headphones kid? Do I know him?" He asked. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not so I just laughed awkwardly and answered: "nah, nobody uh just a character from a video game."

He seemed surprised and smiled a bit, "oh really? What video game?! Maybe I'll guess it."

"Haha maybe next time.."

He tilted his head and shrugged. "Alright,"

"Anyway, I heard you're getting discharged tomorrow? What if we grab slushees and go to the arcade together? Then we'll go to my house and watch a movie!" He walked towards me and sat down next to me on my bed. He took my hand and held it tightly and looked into my eyes.

My face was on fire.

"So.. what do you think?"

I nodded and smiled. He took my hand and we drove in his car for the rest of the day. We had so much fun and I felt so happy. When we went over to Michael's house, we played video games and I got to sleep on his chest... then, I heard him call out my name.. I liked it when he said my name.





I shook my head and sat up, confused. Oh man how long was I out for? I looked down and my cereal was no longer in my hands, I think one of the nurses took it away.. Anyway, what was that dream all about..????.. I felt like I had just done something creepy.

I frowned.


I squinted my eyes and looked around. "Huh..?" I mumbled, in the middle of a yawn.

There stood all my friends, looking at me as if I had three heads. I saw Jake, Brooke, Jenna, Chloe, Jeremy, and even Christine as well. Part of me felt a bit disappointed that Michael wasn't there for some reason, but I shook away that thought.

"W-what are you guyth doing here?" I asked, clearly surprised

"We came to visit! It's the day you get discharged!" Brooke exclaimed I blinked. No way it was Saturday already.. That would mean that I slept for a solid 24 hours...Freaky.

"What time ith it.. what'th the day??"

Chloe raised her eyebrow. "Should we tell them you need to stay here longer??"
I shook my head rapidly. "No, I need to get out of here! The food ith tho bad.."

They all laughed and I smiled weakly.

After I got discharged, we decided to hang out at the mall. The mall had an arcade, which made me think about Michael. This made me so mad at myself, I've barely even talked to the guy, and yet he's consumed all my thoughts.

We went to eat but we mainly teased Christine and Jeremy for being so awkward around each other. They were honestly cute together. I never had anything real like that, and it kind of made me a bit jealous. I felt a small pang in my chest and sighed.

When the girls went to go to the bathroom, Jeremy exhaled. "I'm so nervous but so happy at the same time, what do I do guys..?" He started going on a rant, and Jake and I exchanged glances. I shrugged slightly while he grinned.

"Don't worry, homie, I gotchu" Jake started giving a bunch of advice but I spaced out.


There was the voice again.

I blinked and shook my head. "Huh?"

"Are you okay?" I saw Jeremy looking at me, a concerned expression on his face. I looked around and everyone else was gone.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fell asleep and the rest decided to keep shopping. Christine and Jake didn't want to leave but I persuaded them."
He smiled and I could see why Michael liked Jeremy so much. I mean not necessarily in that way, but he surely did have good taste in friends.

"I'm okay.." then I added something else before I could stop myself:

"Do you know why Michael isn't here..?"

Jeremy seemed surprised. "Michael? He didn't want to come..He usually loves going to the mall, but I guess because he's not used to all of us as a big group... Anyway, I practically begged him to go but he refused.. why'd'you ask?"

"Just curious is all.."

Jeremy blinked and nodded. "You wanna go somewhere?" He asked and I nodded back in agreement. We got up from our seats and started walking towards the escalator when we saw someone in a familiar looking red hoodie....


Jeremy and I said at the same time as we looked at each other.

A/n; sorry for not updating regularly, school has been wack to say the least, and I have writers block and I've been rewriting my past chapters but here have this that I'll probably rewrite sooner or later T~T

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