Goddamnit, Anti-social headphones kid

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Rich's POV

I couldn't believe that I was actually in Michael's house. It was so big.. Well, maybe it wasn't, but it definitely was better than my own. Anything was better than my own, really.

I really hoped I wasn't intruding upon Jeremy and Michael, but they said it was alright, so I probably had nothing to worry about... right?

Anyway, we went downstairs to Michael's basement, and his setup was so cool! It had two huge beanbags, a gaming console, a TV, four controllers, and a couch and mattress. There was also a mini-fridge. Woah, his parents were rich.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Michael said in a fancy British accent, while he bowed and smiled.

I chuckled. "Wasn't upstairs your "abode" too?"

He stood up straight and shrugged. "Okay, welcome to the "Bat-cave" then."

"Gasp!? You're THE Bat-Man??!?! No way man!!"

Michael paused for a bit, then nodded and put a finger to his lips. "Shhh don't tell anyone, though."

I nodded exaggeratedly. "I won't, sir!!" It was like we were pretending to be Bruce Wayne and Robin.

Then, Michael started laughing. "Oh man it's hard to keep a straight face."

"Same here, except only partially." I joked.

Michael raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Ah.. right."

I shifted my weight. Did I say something wrong? Maybe it wasn't right to flaunt your sexuality around like that. I guess I assumed he was...nevermind.

I thought he was going to say something else, but he plopped down on one of his beanbags and patted the one next to him. "Sit, and I'll boot up the game."

I nodded and sat down. Soon, the loading screen was present, and he tossed me a controller.

"You remember how to play?"

I nodded, but hesitantly. I hadn't really touched it for a while.

We started out in the first level, Michael practically carrying me through each one.

If it weren't for him, I would've died 20 times already, 6 more than I already had..

He kept teasing me about it, but it was lighthearted. He was such a nice person, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't real.

"Oh wow, Level Nine already?" I was in disbelief. Michael was so good at this game that although he was practically playing alone, he managed to beat the last eight levels in a span of twenty minutes.

"You have to really focus, okay? The Cafetorium is a bit hard. Jeremy and I still haven't passed it. Well, we would've but it's been a while since we last played. It should be easier now, since we had the game experience but in real life last week." He chuckled, and I nodded.

After about 5 minutes, we passed level nine, and he looked so happy. "FINALLY!"

He was so excited that he hugged me. Michael Mell. Hugged me.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Goddamnit, anti-social headphones kid.

The hug didn't last long, he quickly pulled away after about 3 seconds, looking rather embarrassed. "Sorry about that.." He mumbled and cursed under his breath, which made me laugh. He looked at me and blinked. "Why are you laughing?" He pushed up his glasses.

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