I love Play Rehearsal!

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Christine's POV:

What was that all about? Jeremy told me that he loved me. It was kind of sudden, but then again I didn't really know that much about romance. Well, usually, in the books, either the main character or the romantic love interest confesses to the other and then they start to date. Doesn't the confession go somewhat like one liking the other? ..Or is it love? Does one say they love the other? I think that happens.. So it was totally normal for Jeremy to say that, I'm just overreacting.

I sighed and walked to my class. I hope Jeremy didn't think I was being weird. No, I did say I loved him. I do, right? Yeah, I was only just a bit surprised. At least he liked the cookies I made him, so that's good. I really do care about him and just wanted to do something nice for him. That's what girlfriends do!.. I think so, anyway. I slumped down slightly in my seat. Why was I overthinking this? My day was going so well before lunch.

My mind wandered to his expression when I first saw him in the cafeteria. He was definitely not telling me something. He seemed sad. Didn't he usually sit with Michael? Maybe something happened to them.. I'll have to ask Jeremy again later.

School ended pretty quickly. Except this time it didn't feel like that because I was really engaged in what we were learning, which was usually, but because today I was lost in my thoughts for the rest of the day. Luckily, play rehearsal would surely take me out of my funk, right? There's nothing better than play rehearsal!

I quickly went to my locker and gathered my books from my locker. I felt my phone vibrate through the pocket of my dress. I placed my backpack on the floor and checked the message. It was Jeremy.

Jeremy!🎭 ('')

Christine r u going 2 play rehearsal?

Was he kidding? Of course I was going!


ofc I am, Jer! >:/

rehearsal is literally my life. plus it's the last meeting until January :'c

Jeremy!🎭 ('')

ah.. ok ok sry. ik!! meet u there? :)

I smiled. He was awkward even while texting. What a huge dork.

CC!!🎭 ♡^▽^♡


                                           • • •

I slipped my phone back into my pocket, closed my locker shut, and swung my backpack over my shoulder. The halls were less crowded now so I was able to read and walk without bumping into anyone. I continued The Comedy Of Errors as I made my way to play rehearsal with Jeremy and the rest of our friends.

I opened the door to the wide auditorium and noticed Rich sitting alone. It was pretty weird that nobody else was there yet. Anyway, I hadn't been able to say "hi" to Rich today at all. I'm really happy he's feeling much better now.I walked up to him and waved.

"Hi, Rich! How are ya feeling?"

Rich looked up at me. "Oh, hey Chrithine. I feel great." He grinned and patted the seat next to him. I sat down and placed my backpack on the seat to my left.

A series of not so chill eventsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang