Chapter 2

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It has been a year since I found that letter. As it said I burned the letter. It was a very hard thing for me to do. It was my connection to my mum. I think I looked at the letter long enough to burn her handwriting into my brain permanently.  At least I have a photo album of my parents. My only memory of them, besides photos, is from my nightmares and I don’t know for sure if they are memories or not.

I have read all about Greek mythology now. I never knew how terrible some of the gods were. Also the amount of cousins, aunts, uncles and other godly relatives I have is insane. And it's not just gods, my uncles even have some monsters, and animals as children. It's best for my mental health to not think about them.

I also know basic martial arts techniques I learned from beginner classes for free. It was nice having a reason to escape the house and go somewhere where Dudley couldn’t touch me. I can now out run Dudley and his gang and evade their punches. It’s good exercise. I have been watching martial arts films and trying to copy them. Knowing the basics of the forms has helped me dissect what the professionals are doing on tv and learn some of the moves at home.

However, training up my physical strength isn't the only thing I have been focused on during the past year. Ever since I knew of my demigod inheritance I have been experimenting with my powers.

So far I can control shadows and travel through them.I discovered my ability to travel through them by complete accident. I was running from Dudley and his gang when I ran into an alleyway. All I wanted was to be back in my room. I felt like I was melting before I opened my eyes and I was in my cupboard. I haven’t travelled a long distance. I am only able to travel from  one corner of the house to another. I feel particularly strong underground. I heal faster when I am covered with shadows. I guess my demigod powers have been enhanced since I knew of them because people are wary of me now. I have some kind of fear aura around me. Animals go crazy when I am near them.

I have been thinking of going to the underworld for a long time now.

One of the dangers of shadow travelling is that if you don’t know where you are going then you could end up in a random place. I have been seeing a dark palace in my dreams. I think it’s Hades’s palace. He visits me sometimes in dreams. Apparently there is an ancient law that forbids gods from raising their mortal child and he can’t be on the surface for a long time for the fear of Zeus discovering that he has a child. I think he wants me to come to the underworld.

After deliberating on whether or not to try, I decided to try. I am very nervous and excited. If I succeed I will be seeing my father for the first time. It’s night so the room is full of shadows. With the Palace firmly in my mind, I melted into shadows. I landed in a dark place with a huge person in front me before darkness took over me and I knew more.

Beta'ed by RandomSlytherin7

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