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a/n: this is part one of a double update! enjoy <3


Andi Rhoades

"It had to have been Blake, Andi," Skye shouts, determination in her eyes as we sit at the kitchen island. "He's a snake. He always has been, and it wouldn't surprise me if he went out of his way to try and fu- mess with your life once he saw you happy."

"Momma, where's Snuffles?" Ellie peeks her head out from her playroom.

"I think he's in your room, El. Do you need help finding him?" She shakes her head no and takes off running towards the stairs. I turn my attention back to Skye. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was him, but what does he gain from this? I don't even teach his daughter anymore."

She rolls her eyes, "Andi, I fucking love you to death but Blake is the most manipulative man child I've ever met, and he's definitely the type of person to do this shit because his ego was bruised when you broke up with him."

The thought has crossed my mind over the last week since I've officially been unemployed. I wouldn't put it past Blake to do something so cruel, but at the same time, the naive version of me wants to believe that someone that once claimed they loved me couldn't do something so terrible.

I know that Blake and I didn't end on good terms. After that day that I broke up with him in the hallway of the high school, I completely ignored all his calls over the next couple of days. I boxed up what little things of his I had and mailed them to his house.

For me, it was a clean break and I didn't feel any sort of lingering afterward. He's a dick, but to be honest, he never crossed my mind much after I broke up with him. I had more important things to worry about.

His daughter, Lydia, had been removed from my classes when I first started dating Blake because it became a conflict of interest and I didn't want anyone to blame me for favoritism amongst my students. I hardly see Lydia now that I don't teach her. She's a senior, about to graduate, but I honestly can't remember the last time I saw her in the halls. Lydia was always sweet to me, she could have had a vendetta against her dad dating her young teacher, yet she didn't. Blake always said that Lydia took after her mom, his ex-wife, and honestly, it makes sense. She was a total sweetheart.

Skye has been over every day since I got fired, Shawn too. I know that Harry asked them both to keep me company and make sure I'm alright, but something tells me they both would be here even if he said nothing to them.

They've both taken such good care of me. The first few days, I was a complete mess. I was working tirelessly to find a qualified substitute for my classes throughout the end of the year. I don't even know how many numbers I called, begging to replace me.

I know it's not my job to do that, the school should be the one figuring this out since they were the ones to fire me, but knowing that they'll just have Mrs. Downing fill my role doesn't sit well with me.

Those kids deserve better, and the least I can do is try to find someone who actually gives a fuck about them to replace me. So far, I'm down to two people I graduated with who said they'll look into the district and give them a call. I'm crossing my fingers that it all works out.

I've heard fuck all from the school or Principal Shillings. I've called a few times just to check in and make sure that everything is fine and the course schedule is being followed correctly. It would be easy for me to just drop them and move on with my life, and while I wish I had it in me to do that, I can't.

The kids didn't do anything wrong. The administration clearly doesn't give a shit about their students, so I'm doing my best to advocate for them and let them know that I'm trying my hardest to make sure they're taken care of.

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