chapter 3

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sora's pov
i was just walking until i suddenly felt something hit me. i fell back and looked up. there was many broken pieces of glass in the floor, as well as stacy sitting right there. "WHAT THE HELL SORA? WHY WOULD YOU STAND THERE?" she complains. "what? it's your fa-" alex came in and interrupted me. "IS EVERYTHING OKAY?" she asks. "sora was standing and he made me bump into him!" "then why would you run with a glass, not being careful of where you're running!?" i sort of shout. jaxx and charli walk in. i was already up by then, stacy was still in the ground. "jaxx, help me!!" stacy says. i hoped that jaxx wouldn't do anything. "what happened?" he said, just standing there ignoring what stacy said. "sora bumped into me! he did it on purpose!" she says.jaxx crosses his arms and says "sora wouldn't do that. what about the broken glass?" "he- he made me drop it!" stacy says. "but if you dropped it, it's technically your fault! you were running! you should've been more careful" i say. "i agree with sora!" charli backs me up. "to be honest, sora is right. why would you run with a. glass?" alex says. "well i.." she starts. alex didn't let her finish, she was clearly angry. "i'm so tired of your actions. clean this up before things get worse." alex says. "fine.. whatever" stacy stands up and leaves the room. "did she hit you too hard?" alex asks me. "don't worry about me, im fine!" "alright then, if there's any more problems tell me, also somebody make sure she actually cleans this up." as she finishes, she walks away. "i'll do it, you guys don't worry" jaxx says. im not sure why he would offer to do that. a pause took place and sooner or later charli left. "are you sure?" i ask. "yeah, i have to.. talk to her." thoughts overfilled my head hoping he wouldn't confess or something like that. i finally walk away leaving jaxx my himself.

jaxx's pov
sora left the room. i waited for stacy patiently. a few minutes later, she came in holding a broom. "oh jaxx! you're still here! are you going to help me?" "oh uh no, i just want to talk to you, nothing else." she still hadn't started sweeping. instead, she just stared at me. i was getting tired of it so i spoke up. "um are you going to start sweeping?" i ask. "oh right! sorry" she says. i sigh. then i start speaking again as she is slowly sweeping. "well, i wanted to ask if yesterday you took alex's phone to buy something off amazon?" i ask. "WHAT UM NO." she got really nervous. "well, alex has a system where everyone can check who bought what. for example, if i bought something like a phone case the whole squad would be able to see. besides you since you're not added. it showed on alex profile she bought a potion to make someone fall in love? so i asked her about it and she said she didn't. i guess she forgot about it. but, if it wasn't her and you're not added then it must've been you." i was 100% it was her. she lied quite often and isn't very trusted. she looks down as if she's guilty. "so?" i say. "fine it was me. just please don't tell anyone" she says. "i'll consider it." i say. "thanks" i was obviously going to tell alex. i was 100% not keeping this from her. after a few minutes i tell her something i've been wanting to tell her for a while. "oh yeah, also can you please not like you know flirt with me in videos...? it you know makes me uncomfortable." her mouth dropped and dropped the the broom. "what.. why would you say that?" "i'm being honest, i'm sorry." i can tell she had a mix of an angry mood and upset mood. "you clearly let sora flirt with you and you're fine with it so why do i have to stop?" i honestly didn't know what to say. i let sora do it, because i well liked it. but her.. she's different, i hate the way she does it. she especially always does it when sora and i flirt. i mean, him and i are not together, it's really i guess a joke. i kinda wish it wasn't. "just stop please.. and clean up before something bad happens." she didn't even respond. she went back to sweeping but this time cleaned fast. in just like a minute she was done. after that, she just walked away without even talking to me.

stacy's pov
i was so furious at this point. i don't get what's so special about sora. he's so annoying. what does jaxx see in his flirting, mine is obviously better. i barged into sora's room. he was laying in his bed, facing the wall, and watching something. "CAN YOU STOP FLIRTING WITH JAXX AND TRYING TO STEAL HIM FROM ME?" he turned his back and looked at me. "excuse me?" he said. "you heard me." "um no, i'm not stopping." i took the nearest book and threw at his face which actually hit him. he made me so mad. he rubbed where the book hit him. "you better stop or it's going to get worse!" i threaten. i honestly didn't even care if he was my brother or not, he can't be with MY jaxx. he soon started crying. "yeah cry about it, loser." i walk out of his room smiling. hopefully he actually stops.

sora's pov
my own sister just hit me on my face. it specifically hit my eye and because of it i can't open my eye. it hurt so bad. i ran out of my room still crying and ran to the nearest squad member's room which happened to be charli. "i open her door and she was sitting in her bed drawing. she looks up. "SORA? ARE YOU OKAY?" she ran to me and tried comforting me. "m- my eye hur- hurts." i try to say without stuttering. "oh goodness! sit on my bed, i'll be right back." she says, running out of her room. i walk to her bed and sit there. at this point, there was so much blood coming out. i'm pretty sure i had an black eye now. a few minutes later she came in with some other people. she came in with jaxx, alex, and luca. charli comes running to me along with jaxx. "BA- SORA ARE YOU OKAY?" he ran to me and wrapped his arms around me. "jaxx let me luca treat his eye." charli says. jaxx lets go and allows luca treat my eye. luca was so called the doctor of the squad, when somebody was injured he would help them. "it's not that bad, it could just take maybe like 3 weeks to recover, you'll probably have the black eye for a while. what were you hit with?" i didn't say anything for a moment then i finally responded. "a book." "did someone hit you? tell us the truth." alex says. i stayed quiet again, this time for a little longer. i really didn't know if i should tell them. "sora, tell us." alex demanded. "it was.." i started. "um stacy." i finished. "WHAT. i'm going to kill her." jaxx said literally a second after i said 'stacy' . "why did she do it?" jaxx asked. "i um.. she was uh mad at me for something." i say trying not to state what the actual reason was. "and what was that something?" luca asked. "it was uh.." i was screwed, i didn't know what to say. "sora, you can trust us, tell us." charli says. i thought about what i should say. "okay, it was just because i ate her cookies!" shoot why did i say that? they all looked at me confused. "she hit you because.. you ate her cookies?" alex asked. "um yeah! definitely!" "alright then.. i'll talk to her. charli do you want to come?" charli nodded and they both headed out."yeahhh i'll leave you two alone" luca said and walked away just after that. "are you sure you will be okay?" "yes i will." he hugged me. ""i don't get why stacy would hit you for that, i mean it's just cookies." i really wanted to tell him the truth. "jaxx i have to tell you something actually.. follow me, it's better if we're somewhere more private." "oh okay" i got up and so did jaxx, we walked out of room.

jaxx's pov
i followed sora. i felt so bad for him. he has like such a bad relationship with his sister. i really don't get why she's still part of the squad. i already told alex about the amazon thing and now this. so really she should be kicked out. but, at the same time.. her and i were so good friends. she changed.

nobody's pov
around 2 years ago, when sora and stacy joined, jaxx had a rival relationship with sora. sora and jaxx really had no reason to be enemies, it was kind of all stacy's fault. she blamed sora for breaking one of his favorite photo. and that's where the rivalry started. jaxx and stacy were also super close. stacy had a crush on jaxx which she still does. he misses the old times. but, as time went on, jaxx forgave sora and ended up being friends with him which caused stacy to change.

sora and jaxx continued walking until they got somewhere where they could talk which ended being a few blocks down the house.

jaxx's pov
"so what do you have to tell me?" i asked. "i was lying about the cookies.." i was shocked. "what, why would you lie?" "well, long story short stacy just wants me to stay away from you so she threw a book at me because she was mad that i was flirting with you and hanging out with you.." he explained. i don't even know what to say. instead of saying something i just hugged him. i don't know why i'm hugging him so much recently but it's whatever. "sorry for lying" he says. "no it's okay, don't worry about it"

after that they went back

i'm now sitting at my room thinking about the incident. i mean why would she do that? why would she hit her brother? why would she tell him to stay away from me? why does she lie so much? all these thoughts overflowed my head.

around 45 minutes later i fell asleep.

yay chapter 3 done
honestly i don't even know what i'm writing i'm just like writing whatever at this point 🙁
word count: 1809

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