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Me and Bella walked beside each other while the rest of the family walked in front of us. Nobody said anything, even tho I could feel how uncomfortable the silence was, I didn't have anything to say to any of them. I hadn't really talked out about it to anyone. No one would get it. The only person that could possibly get it, won't talk to me anymore.

Alice tried to invite to conversation a few times, without luck.

So there we walked, in our black coats. Bella had a black lace gown on. I could still see that she looked beautiful.

A few months after the accident she had cut her hair into a short bob. Why, I didn't know. I told her that I liked her hair and she told me thanks, after that we didn't talk about her hair again.

It had grown out a little bit now. It was a little longer than shoulder length.

When we entered the woods, the Quileute tribe was already there. We had discussed a lot about whether to invite them or not. We knew that Jacob loved Renesmee because it was Bellas child and he loved Bella more than anything. So we figured it was right to give them a chance to come to her funeral. We also knew it was what Bella wanted.

Jacob had a black suit, his hair had grown a little since last time I saw him. His hair was messy, but not the untidy kind. It was more of the 'I don't care how my hair looks, but I still make it look cool' kind. He had brought his whole family. They all looked serious, while we walked to them.

The wood was beautiful, it was lights all around the trees, the Quileutes must have been here early today to decorate. I felt thankful, despite the annoyance of them being there.

Jacob ran up to us.

"Bella!" He shouted

"I haven't seen you in so long, how are you? I've tried to call, but you never answer," he said

Bella didn't say anything, she just looked down at her feet and cleared her throat.

Jacob went in for a hug, but she flinched away.

I stepped in front of her immediately.

"Bella don't really feel like talking these days." I say while I gave him a look that said 'trust me I've tried'.

He took a step back and we locked eyes. His eyes were the kind of brown that reminded me of an old cabin in autumn. His eyes reminded me of a warm cup of hot chocolate after a cold day. I felt comforted by that color.

I looked down, remembering who I was looking at. I told him to move so we could get through. I shaked hands with the others, threw around some 'I'm sorry's we didn't really mean and started the ceremony. Alice held a beautiful speech and I could her people crying behind me. Honestly the whole thing made me want to throw up.

I looked beside me at Bella, she was staring at the ground, shaking. Beside Bella was Jacob, he was staring at Alice, laughing in all the right places and his jaw was tight. He noticed me staring and turned to look at me. I immediately looked at my feet. I could feel his stare for another few seconds before he looked at Alice again.

After the speech we all hugged each other, with nothing else to say really. We had buried Renesmee on a rainy day right after her death. This was just to honor her really.

I was standing by a table looking at the pictures they had printed out of her. She was so beautiful. I felt my stomach turn. I felt like I was about to be sick. I rushed away from the others. I walked as fast as I could. I just needed to get away from the others.

I walked really fast for around five minutes before I rushed into something hard. I stopped for a few second to catch my breath from the shock. I looked up and there, soaking wet from the rain was Jacob standing. His suit was soaked and his hair was laying in front of his eyes. I felt a sudden need to push it away, but instead I just started at him.

"Are you trying to escape too?" He said with a small smile.

I was about to argue him, but there wasn't really any point. Of course I was trying to escape and of course he saw that.

"Yeah attending my daughter's funeral isn't really my edition of a perfect day." I said with a humorless voice.

He looked at me with a serious gaze.

"I'm really sorry for you know, your loss'" he said

"I know we haven't exactly been best friends, but I think we have more in common than we think." He continued.

I let out a small laugh at his stupidity.

"What's so funny?" He asked with a small smirk. His lips was turning a little blue from the cold. A small rain drop was running down the side of his face.

"You really think this is the time for bonding?" I asked

He looked at me intense, his pupils growing a little. I had never noticed how long his eyelashes was before.

"I just know I don't have anyone to talk too anymore, and I see that Bella is not the best communication partner anymore. You know Renesmee was like a daughter to me too right? It fucking hurts and I know I could need someone to talk too. And you know, I've heard that talking to me can be kinda therapeutic.» he finished his sentence with a little smile, a little light appeared in his eyes.

"Oh yeah, and who exactly says that?" I joke along.

"You know, just many people. You should try it some time."

"And what would this fantastic therapist cost me?"

"Oh, a lot. Don't know if you can afford it sadly. But hey, maybe I'll give you a discount if you play it right."

We started walking as we continued to talk. We talked about Bella. How she was doing, and how much she'd changed. We talked about Renesmee. How amazing she was. We both slipped a few times and forgot to talk in past tense and corrected us self right after. I wasn't used to talking about her, because it had kind of a closed topic since the accident. We talked about everything Renesmee did that would light up our day. I laughed more during this walk than I had in a long time. It felt so good to get everything out.

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