16 1 1

It was may 20th. I was hanging out with Alice. She'd begged me to come. 'Just like we used to' she'd said. We used to have so much fun together, but I wasn't really the same anymore. Every time we hung out after the accident, she would point out how we were feeling at the moment. I always thought it was weird. I was more of a past tense person. She would always say things like; "this is so fun", or "now we're having a good time". I always thought that ruined the actual fun we were having.

But here we were, laying in the sun together. The hot spring sun burning into our skin. Surrounded by flowers and the smell of grass. Our skin glowing. I closed my eyes and let my eyes make different figures behind my eyelids. I let my arms rest behind my head.

Me and Bella had moved back one week ago. Bella would sometimes talk to Jesper or hang out with Alice. She'd started to get better. She had clearly told me she felt better off without me last time I had tried to strike up a conversation, so I'd just let her be.

"So," I hear Alice say from beside me. We're both laying with our eyes closed, enjoying the sun.

"You and Jacob are friends now?" She asked.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. Jacob had been over two times since we moved home. It was obvious that we weren't really enemies anymore. To be honest, I didn't really know if we were friends either. We just enjoyed each other's company and didn't talk about if we were friends or not.

I shrugged even tho I knew she couldn't see me.

"Sure." I said.

After that we didn't speak. We lied there until the sun went down. The sunset was beautiful. It made the sky look a beautiful red color. I caught myself thinking that Jacob would enjoyed seeing it.

We walked home together. Alice stopped every other second to pluck a flower. She told me Bella would appreciate them. She saw that the mentioning of Bella made me uncomfortable and asked me what was up with us.

I simply answered that she didn't love me anymore, because it was the truth. As horrible as it was, it was the truth.

The rest of the walk was awkward after that. Alice couldn't handle serious topics like that and I knew that. She was too much of a people pleaser to argue with anyone or take any sides. To be honest, there weren't really anything to say anyway.

When we got home I spent the rest of the evening reading in my childhood room, where I had been sleeping since I moved home.

The clock was ten minutes past eleven at night when I heard my phone ding. I put my book down. I was currently rereading hamlet for hundredth time. I never got sick of that book. The feelings it brought out of me couldn't be compared to anything else.

The phone showed a random number. I furrowed my brows. No-one texted me and definitely not people I didn't already have saved at my phone. I unlocked my phone and opened the message app. The message just read;


I laid back down against the headboard in my bed, with the phone in my hands.

Who is this? I wrote back.

It took a few minutes before the number answered again. I had just been laying there in the meantime. Didn't really want to read anymore.

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