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It had been a month since the funeral, it felt like time had stopped ever since her death. Everyone's life's moved on, but I just sat there watching, unable to move. It felt like I was a train that had runned off my track and just stayed in the ditch, unable to recover. It felt like I was outside of my own body, watching myself.

I hadn't let myself feel anything except for the day we held the funeral. Jacob dropped me off five minutes away from my house, we both promised never to tell anyone about the drive or the walk. When I got home that day I cried. I cried until I didn't have any tears left.

I cried for Renesmee, my beautiful daughter, who would never learn how to ride a bike, never taste ice cream for the first time, never fall in love, never have a first kiss. I cried for Bella, I had lost her too. Bella would never be the same again. I knew that. I also cried for Jacob, who had also lost the two people he loves most. I cried because the world is so fucking unfear. How could it take the life of such a beautiful and innocent girl away?

The last month Jacob had been over at our house a lot. Our families agreed to it, because they did what they could to get Bella better. I didn't really understand why he came, when we both knew Bella wouldn't talk to him. She just laid in her bed and listened, never answered.

I had decided that she just needed some space. Every time Jacob would come over he would always ask for Bella, but he always ended up standing in the kitchen with me. I always asked him if he was hungry even tho we never had any food. I just hoped he would say no. After he had been there a few times I started buying strawberries in case he would come by that day.

The first time I offered him a strawberry he just gave me a weird look and smiled at the ground. He accepted the offer. I watched him eat the strawberry and he told me it was good. I was pleased that he liked it.

Then I would follow him into Bellas room and walk out. I closed the door behind me on my way out. I often stood a few seconds behind the door to listen to them. I only heard Jacobs low voice, I couldn't hear what he was saying tho.

After a few seconds he would come out and we would talk a little and then I would follow him out. Then he would come back a few days later and the same thing would happen over again.

Today, I was sitting in the living room reading when I heard the knock on the door. I felt a little excitement run through me, but I didn't really get why cus I knew Jacob would stand behind the door. I wondered if was wearing his gray shirt today or if he was wearing his white sweater. I didn't mind either of them.

I ran to the door and pushed it open. Jacob was standing there. He was wearing his white hoodie. He had a pair of light blue jeans on. He had cut his hair since the last time he was here. Now his hair had a little side part. I looked more sophisticated. I caught myself staring a few seconds more than necessary. I looked down, in his hands he was holding a little box. I read what the box said; Chocolate. He looked at me with a small smirk.

"To dip the strawberries in." He said casually.

I felt a little rush of joy run through me at the thought that he maybe also looked forward to the afternoons we had together. Him eating strawberries and me silently watching. I walked back to let him through the door. His hand slightly brushed mine while he passed me. I couldn't help but feel how warm he felt against my skin.

We walked into the kitchen together. I opened the fridge and put the strawberries on the table.

"Do you have a candle?" I heard him ask from behind me.

"To melt the chocolate, you know." He explained.

"Oh, um, yeah, I'll find something, one second." I muttered.

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