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It felt like we had walked for hours when we were back at the funeral location. I noticed something was wrong immediately. I couldn't hear anything. I turned to Jacob.

"Where are the others?" I asked

He walked around the place, looking for a sign to where they could be. I prayed that nothing had happened to them. I knew I wouldn't survive another loss. Everything was already ruined. After Renesmee I had lost all power, in the big fight I got beaten up so bad I couldn't even read minds anymore.

I kind of enjoyed it tho, I enjoyed not knowing everything about everyone. I let everyone be a little mystery.

"Hey Edward, it's a note here!" Jacob shouted from the other side of the place.

I immediately ran over to him. I stood behind his shoulder, while reading the note. I knew he had already read it, but he didn't move or hand me the note. I could hear his breath and I saw his chest rising.

Hi, if you're still there Edward. It was late and everyone was getting tired. We didn't know if you had left so we walked home.
Ps: if you see Jacob, can you tell him his family took one of the cars home and left the other one for him.
Love the Cullens.

"You are fucking kidding me." It said between my teeth. I laid my head in my hands.

"Fuck" I muttered.

Jacob looked at me with a confused look.

"Whats wrong?" He asked.

"This place was Alice idea, I don't know the way home, plus that it's fucking pitch black outside." I answered.

Jacob looked at his feet and then looked up at me. His pupils bigger than I had ever seen them before. It had started to pour now and I needed to speak loud for him to hear me. The rain was running down our faces and I could see that he was freezing. His underlip was shaking and he looked pale. His cheeks had a pretty pink color.

"Chill, it's okay, I can give you a ride home." He said loudly over the rain.

I was flattered by the offer, but I knew I couldn't accept it. Just letting them come here was a big dangerous step for us. Getting into his car would be to overstep.

I looked into his eyes.

"You know I can't do that."

He ran a hand through his hair and it fell back right beside his eyes. His face was glowing from the rain and I could see a raindrop laying in between his eyelashes.

"Look," he started.

"It's really dark, there's no way you will get home if you don't know the way. Do you think your family want you to spend the night out in the woods or home in your bed with a little help from a ware wolf?" He tilted his head a little bit to the side while he said this.

"Actually, I think they would rather want me to spend the night here." I said stubbornly.

He started to look impatient now. He looked behind his shoulder.

"Okay, but I want let you die in a fucking funeral place. That's just sad. So please just let me drive you home." He said.

I could tell that he was impatient because he was freezing. Part of me wanted to just get in to car so he could get some warmth in his body, but I knew that was wrong. I couldn't betray my tribe like that.

Jacob walked down to the car and opened the passenger door.

"Well I'm fucking freezing and I'm not going until you are sitting in this car. If you want me to freeze to death, that's okay. I bet Bella will love you really much. Oh and my family too, they will be just thrilled with what you have done."

I started to run out of options and looked around. I looked every place except his eyes.

"Jacob, why are you being so stubborn? Can't you just go? You hate me, anyway." I tried to argue.

"I don't hate you." He said without following his sentence up.

I knew he fucking hated me and didn't know why he pretended he didn't. I didn't really matter. We both just wanted to go home and dry up. I was tired and I could se that he was too. I silently sat in the car, not wanting to argue with him anymore . I knew my family wouldn't be happy with what I was doing, but I didn't plan on telling them anyway.

Jacob walked around the car and sat in the driver seat. He started the car. I could hear the rain thrumming on the car roof. It was a relief to come inside. He put on the heat and turned on the radio. Go solo by Tom Rosenthal was playing.

We just sat there silently, watching as the houses went by and listened to the lyrics. I was a painful song to listen to due to the circumstances. I knew he was listening too, by his concentrated face. He had a small wrinkle in between his brows. I knew he knew I was staring, but he didn't say anything or return the stare.

I saw a small tear run down his cheek and for some reason I felt a need to comfort him. I knew he loved Renesmee a lot and I knew it probably hurt him as much as it hurt me. I didn't say anything tho, because I didn't know what to say and there wasn't really anything I could say that would make things better.

The whole situation was really surreal. The biggest enemies, from different tribes, in love with the same girl, sitting in a small car together, grieving over the same loss.


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