Prologue (OLD)

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Aoi's POV

I had just seen Murata run away from a mob of bullies near the toilets. Meaning, someone else was their prey this time. I continued walking toward the group, and when I came in hearing range, I was shocked.

"Like I haven't heard that at least 50,000 times since I was born." It was Yuuri. "If you have a problem with my name, take it up with my mum. She picked it." Like usual, my brother stepped into a den of bullies, to save someone he barely knows. As I came closer, I heard him gasp and say my name. 

And alerted the bullies to the fact that I was there. 

Two of the group lumbered over to me, sneers plastered on their faces. Pinning my arms behind my back - in a similar fashion to Yuuri - they continued their 'conversation'. 

"I believe the little boys deserve a punishment for what they did to us. They let our money escape!" yelled the supposed leader.

"I think that we should flush them."

"No, I think we should hang them upside down on a hanger!"

"I know!" cried the 'leader', "We can flush them, then hang them on the hanger." All the group nodded in sync before hauling us over. 

"Which toilet?" asked the goon who was holding my left arm.

"The ladies toilets will do just fine. Weaklings like them deserve it." Then the leader turned and began to walk away.

He left my sight when Yuuri and I were taken into separate cubicles. I was pushed in - so that my butt was in the toilet water - but Yuuri wasn't so lucky and had his face pushed in.

As one of the goons flushed each toilet, a pulling sensation tugged at the part of me touching the water, seemingly dragging me in. My breaths grew shorter as I panicked and my vision faded to black.

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