So Just About Updates/Border Between Old And New (A/N)

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Hi, guys, I know I haven't updated in a long time, but lots of things have happened.

I know that shouldn't be an excuse, but it is. You guys may not know this, but on Wattpad, I hold three accounts. This one, my first and my newest. I know this book is utter shit.

People from my school (e.g my friends) keep finding my new accounts so that's why none of them are linked. In turn, this means that I don't keep track of anything going on here, or on my oldest one.  (If you want my newest, just pm me I guess?)

So I am going to be re-writing this from the top as my writing style has changed quite a lot compared to before and even when I re-wrote it earlier I wasn't too happy with it.

I am going to keep the old chapters in but post them again, modified and fully changed. The plot may change a little or a lot, but all in all, it will be the same book, aside from the fact that I will take out all character profiles and instead introduce them within a chapter. 

I hope this all makes sense, just pm me for more information about it if you're unsure.

See you soon everyone,


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