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We are a dozen yards away, everyone staring at us when their heads turn in sync to their right.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Embry.

"The Volturi are here," one of the men before us answers. I do not know which one he is. They all look so similar. They're all pale, but beautiful. Beautiful in an untouchable way. Embry explained that vampires are cold. They remind me of Henry, but I've known Henry for so long that I would know if he literally steals people's lives away to keep himself strong. No, he is only a life-thief theoretically.

"Your husband must be the life of the party," another one says.

Right, one of them is a mind reader. It's best that I try not to think about things he wouldn't like. I'm surprised the mind reader isn't the woman I met, Alice. If I recall correctly, she can see the future.

Almost like me, but not quite.

"Where?" I ask. We are in a clearing, but the wolves are so tall that I cannot see where everyone is looking.

"They're coming," Embry explains.

He takes my hand and holds it. The mind reader winces, a smile on his face. One of the women tugs at his shirt, pulling his attention away from us. I'm glad I can't read minds. I wouldn't want to know what sorts of things Henry is thinking about me. I imagine they are less than pleasant.

Still, he takes my hand and squeezes. I'm a strong woman. It feels weird to have over two dozen people here to fight my battles. Perhaps I know what I'm getting into. Perhaps I don't.

No nausea hits me. Is becoming a vampire akin to dying? I might be safe, but I might not be. Their call is tempting.

"You don't want to be us," the mind-reader repeats.

"Edward," the woman says.

"It's true," another one echoes.

Maybe these strangers have another agenda. I can only imagine that this is why they have arrived in Forks. It's not about protecting me. It's a bit about their disdain for themselves. It's mostly about maintaining a good relationship with the shape-shifters.

Now I know I can't become one of them. I have too much disdain for myself as it is. Death feels so far away that I don't have to think about it. Working in a hospital magnifies how dangerous life can be. Realistically, I am safe.

At least, I ought to be.

The Volturi arrive in the clearing. There are three of them, each wearing black capes and strange clothes. The man in the middle, with flowing black hair, is as pale as the Cullens. The other two have more olive skin, but the colour still doesn't feel natural. One woman and one man, both with brown hair as well. All vampires have similar enough features, all gorgeous, all tinged lighter than they ought to be. Their eyes though, are different. The Cullens have golden eyes. These strangers' eyes are red. I can even see it from here.

Embry goes to step in front of me, but I sidestep around him.

"Aro," it is Carlisle who first addresses the three people.

"Carlisle," the man with the long black hair says. "I'd say I was surprised, but Demetri has been keeping track of you."

The man nods his head, almost bowing. He's the tracker that has been following me? I don't like that. Not one bit.

"Well, we Cullens like to support our allies," Carlisle says again.

The man, Aro I presume, does not smile. He looks around at the massive wolves, and looks over at the Cullens, "you know, we have no choice but to turn her now."

DEPRAVITY : Embry CallWhere stories live. Discover now