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The pair walked down the main street, Thea still unsure of where they were going, and Peter struggling to take his eyes off her.

Theo was beautiful all the time, but with her hair done nicely and wearing a pretty dress, Peter was in awe yet again of her beauty. But he forced himself to look straight ahead, leading Theo to Destination #1 of their date.

As the pair walked in a silence that wasn't necessarily awkward, just... disappointing, Thea struggled to think of something to say. She was incredibly happy to be with Peter, but she felt like something was supposed to be happening.

As if reading her mind, Peter spoke up. 'So...how have you been?'

Thea was still getting used to this. People caring about her wellbeing- she'd never experienced it before, and it caught her off guard. 'I'm good, all things considered.' Thea nodded halfheartedly. 'I'm very grateful that you and Bucky and Wanda and Wilson have let me stay with you. And the library at the compound is incredible,' Too much talking, Thea. Shut up, the voice said, but she pushed it aside. 'How have you been?'

Peter flashed her a warm smile. 'I'm good, too.'

Thea nodded. 'I'm glad,'

The silence settled over them again, more comfortable this time. Cautiously, Thea stepped a little closer to Peter's side as they walked down the footpath, brushing the back of her hand against his.

Next to her, Peter acted as nothing had happened, but he quickly locked their hands together, giving her hand a soft squeeze that sent Thea's butterflies tumbling again.

The walk wasn't far, and eventually, Peter pulled her into a huge, warehouse-style building. Thea furrowed her eyebrows, trying to figure out what was happening. They stood in a foyer, a few people waiting in line for the counter- ticket booth? They consisted of a family with three kids, two of which who would not stop squabbling, a pair of elderly men and a group of teens around Thea's age. This did not help Thea with her growing collection of questions.

Before she could ask Peter yet again, the pair reached the front of the line. Peter stepped forward, speaking to the assistant behind the counter.

'Two adult passes, please,'

The man behind the counter raised an eyebrow, looking between the two of them. 'Adults? You look thirteen, kid,'

Thea struggled to suppress a snicker.

'I-I'm 17!' Peter protested as the cashier let out a light chuckle. 'Mkay.' He handed Peter two wristbands, the kind you'd get at an amusement park or something. 'Shoe sizes?'

Still unsure of what she was doing, Thea looked to Peter, an eyebrow raised.

'Eleven,' Peter responded. 'Theo?'

'Uhm- yeah, I'm a size eight, but why-'

The cashier cut her off by handing Peter two pairs of black boots by their colourful shoelaces, weighed down by the four wheels on the bottom of the sole. Rollerskates.

'Come on!' Peter grinned at her, interlocking their hands again as he dragged her through the side doors, into a huge room, too big to even be called that. Benches and a rail lined the edges, colourful lights stained the grey walls rainbow, and music was blasting through the wall-mounted speakers, causing Thea to flinch momentarily as her hearing adjusted.

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