Chapter 2: Mellohi Finally Returns (Not Clickbait)

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Mellohi dusted herself off and threw on her cloak—the one she left behind when she joined the humans—which was hanging limply on the coat rack. A quick glance told her the cabin was empty. No one was upstairs (but the sell out bell was missing), and the basement was as cold as it had always been. She even checked the secret villager 'house' below, and still no one. Growing more worried, she shielded her face as she sped over to the other cabin.

She hadn't ever been inside this one. It was quaint, like Philza's old home in L'Manburg. There was no upstairs, but there was a basement. She couldn't hear anything coming from down there, but then again, she could only hear half as good as she used to.

Mellohi clambered down the ladder, pausing to check the first basement floor. Nothing. Underneath, however, the sound of digging tickled her ears.

Philza was hollowing out a space beneath his cabin for, by the looks of it, a melon farm. His back was turned toward her. She hit the bottom with a thump.

The crows fluttering around him went ballistic. They cawed like maniacs, speeding toward her excitedly. They landed anywhere they could on Mellohi, like her shoulders, head, hands, forearms. A few landed on her shoes and tail. Philza grudgingly turned around to scold them.

"Chat, Mellohi isn't here." He brushed his hands off. He still hadn't noticed her.

"I guess I should leave, then."

His head snapped up so fast, Mellohi was afraid he would break his neck. He rushed over to her, shooing the crows away and taking her hand. She was too tall for him to cup her cheek.

"My daughter," he murmured. She grinned down at him, her scars distorting her face.

"Hey, Dadza."

He crushed her in a hug. The pressure on her chest shot pain through her body.

"Ow, ow, ow," she said until he let go.

"What's wrong?"

"Bruised ribs."

"What happened!?"

"I fended off a hoard of kidnappers." She pointed to her bandaged and bruised cheek. "Hit me pretty hard with a gun, too."

Anger flashed through her father's eyes.

"Dadza, it's okay." She laughed. "They're in prison now."

"Good." He nodded curtly. His eyes softened, and he playfully swatted her arm. "I haven't seen you in a full year! Why didn't you come to visit?"

"I was busy, Dadza." Her smile fell. "Why did you call me? And why did you tell Dr. Strange instead of me?"

Grimly, he gestured for them to head upstairs. Mellohi teleported up the two floors, earning an exasperated sigh from him. She snickered.

Once he appeared from downstairs, he motioned for her to take a seat at the small coffee table.

"I asked Dr. Strange because I wanted to tell you in person," he explained.

"Tell me what?"

"Technoblade was locked in Pandora's Vault."

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