Chapter 8: Operation: Find MICHAEL! Is a Go

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"Where is my son!?" Tubbo cried, tearing the room apart. He threw the clothes and pillows onto the floor, nearly toppled the bed, and even checked under the chicken, all the while crying "Michael!?"

The father's wails sent chills down Mellohi's spine.

"Tubs," she said softly, gripping his shoulders. The poor ram had tears in his eyes. "There was a chest downstairs. Do you remember it? Eret said he'd taken Michael to a safer place. Let's start there."

Tubbo shook out his hands, taking a deep breath. He shot a wary glance at Technoblade, but didn't seem to be angry. Well, more than he already was.

Mellohi teleported down to the first floor, where she studied the chest with more vigor. The two boys joined her, and she snapped out of her daze.

"Let's get moving," Technoblade commanded, swishing his cloak royally as he strutted out the door.

Eret's castle loomed above them. His rainbow flag and beacons popped nicely against the cold stone brick, though Mellohi still didn't fully understand what they meant, even after he explained it to her multiple times.

They wandered through the archway and into the main chamber, where the bisexual king himself lounged regally on the golden throne.

"Should we just start stabbing or should we talk to him first?" Technoblade asked.

"I'll do the talking," Tubbo hissed.

"Alright." The Piglin shrugged. "Diplomacy."

"Gentlemen," Eret greeted with a deep British voice, "and Mellohi. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I'm currently going through the 5 stages of grief, so please be mindful," Tubbo said nonchalantly. "On that note: where the fuck is my child?"

Eret blanched. "You mean Michael?"

"No, I mean Fundy," the ram snapped sarcastically. "Of course I mean Michael!"

The king rose to his feet, then descended the steps to meet them. Technoblade's grip on the hilt of his sword tightened. Eret held up a hand non-threateningly.

"At ease, Technoblade," he said, coming to a rest in front of the group. "I'm not stupid enough to ambush you."

"Eret, what did you do?" Tubbo asked angrily.

The king sighed wearily. "Sam came in and said he would build Michael a safer place."

"And you trusted him!?" Mellohi snapped.

"I didn't know he would kidnap him!" Eret replied defensively.

"Let me get this straight," Mellohi said, pinching the bridge of her nose irritably. "Sam came to you and said he was going to build Michael a safer place, and not only did you trust him, you didn't think of consulting Tubbo or Ranboo before this entire ordeal?"

"You're making it sound a lot worse than it actually is."

"My son is missing, Eret!" Tubbo cried, getting in his face.

"I know, Tubbo, and I'm sorry." Eret raised his hands in surrender. "I am in the wrong. But right now, we have to find Michael."

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