Chapter 3: Paying Respects to L'Manburg

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Technoblade returned the next morning with blueprints and notes piled in his arms. He stashed them in the barrel upstairs for later.

"Techno-" Mellohi started.

"Not now, Mellohi," he dismissed, walking past her with his nose buried in a book. "I need to plan the prison break."


He wasn't paying attention. The Enderman's ears drooped sadly.

"Why don't you go visit Tommy?" Phil suggested; it was an attempt to lift her spirits.

She nodded, and shuffled out the door. She caught Phil shooting Technoblade a glare before she left.

The mid-day sun reflected off the snow, but the blinding light didn't bother her. It was in instances like this where she was grateful she didn't have to see.

When she reached the Nether portal, she sneered at it's swirling purple depths with a passionate hatred.

"Whoever discovered Nether travel," she muttered, "you're the worst."

Mellohi stepped through the portal. Nausea arose in her stomach when she exited the other side. Gagging, she darted over to the side just in time as all the contents of her stomach emptied into the lava lake below. She wiped her mouth as she straightened up, angry.

"Why does it keep getting worse!?" she cried. Her voice echoed off the walls of the Nether, falling on the ears of the resident mobs. A few glanced at her in confusion, but most ignored her. She sped down the blackstone and netherack path, pausing only to exchange waves and warped greetings with the local Endermen.

Coming through the Nether hub was the same. She retched, leaning against the portal to steady herself, but alas, her stomach was already empty.

"Dry-retching is arguably worse than actually throwing up," she grumbled to herself as she stalked down the Prime Path. "Actually, no, I take that back."

Absorbed in her thoughts, she didn't notice the figure racing toward her. They collided, tumbling to the ground.

"What the hell!?" Mellohi snapped, rubbing her head. She glanced at who crashed into her, and her eyes widened. "Sam?"

"Mellohi?" The Creeper hybrid rose onto all fours, also confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to visit Tommy," she replied, stumbling to her feet as well. "What are you doing, rushing about? It's because of Technoblade, isn't it?"

He paused. "How did you know about his escape?"

She shrugged. "A crow told me."

"Uh-huh," he deadpanned.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I was just letting Bad know. He's one of the other guards."

"He is? He seems like the last person to be a prison guard."

"Well, he's an excellent PvP'er, so, y'know..."

They stood there in awkward silence. Mellohi cleared her throat.

"I'm going to visit Tommy now," she said. "Good luck with your search."

"You let me know if you see him, okay?"

"Of course I will."

Sam sprinted off, and Mellohi watched him go.

"Not," she muttered once he was out of hearing range.

As she wandered down the Prime Path, soon she found herself on a bridge. It was far above a chasm with a lake pooling below. Waterfalls tumbled down, creating a mist that floated near the bottom. A flag hung limp on it's pole, though it was still recognizable. Above her, an obsidian grid—once murderous and war-ridden—was now overtaken by foliage and vines.

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