Chapter 4: Inconvenient Slip-Up

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Technoblade and Mellohi stood regally atop a hill, glaring at Pandora's Vault. They were dressing in their normal attire, which consisted of their cloaks, white blouses, and black trousers. Mellohi decided they should match.

The setting sun drew long shadows on the ground. Technoblade wore a stoic expression, and with his trident at his side, he was terrifying.

"Finally," he muttered to no one in particular. "The time has come."

For weeks he had been planning. Plotting. Mellohi tread lightly around him, daring not to disturb the process. She sort of supported his decision, though the lack of attention she was receiving was troubling.

Her ear twitched, and Mellohi glanced down at the entrance of the Vault. Dread pooled in her stomach as the faint clank of shackles could be heard.

"Techno," she breathed. Technoblade glanced at where she was pointing and gasped.

"Ranboo!?" His eyes widened. "Why is Sam locking Ranboo up!? What did he do!?"

Sam, the Creeper hybrid, was shoving the poor half-Enderman into the entrance. Mellohi would've laughed at the comical height difference if the mood wasn't so tense.

"What is he doing to him?" she asked, despite knowing Technoblade didn't have the answer. He didn't reply. He was too shell-shocked.

With a swish of his cape, he turned and stalked back to the Nether hub.

"I'm going to get Ranboo back," he growled menacingly. "Or I'll die trying."


Mellohi trailed behind her brother nervously. She didn't dare speak out of fear of him snapping at her. They made their way back to the cabins, where Technoblade began rushing about the place, rifling through chests and muttering under his breath.

Philza decided to join them, but slowly backed away when he noticed the anger wafting off of his friend.

"Mellohi," he said warily. "Let's leave Techno be. You and I can play cards instead."

"Actually," she replied as they stepped out into the snow, "I wanted to check up on Ranboo's animals."


"He was arrested by Sam."

"What!?" Philza snapped. "Why!?

"Don't ask me that question. I don't know what's going on anymore," she mumbled, holding her head in her hand. "Everything's become a blur."

Philza paused. "Do you want to talk about it, mate?" he asked.

She shook her head, shooing him away. "I'd rather keep to myself."

As she stalked over to Ranboo's house in the cliff face, she could feel Philza's sad eyes boring through the back of her head.

Mellohi first went up to Ranboo's polar bear, tossing it a raw salmon and stroking it's fur. Then she pushed the button on the stone wall, entering into the mess of a house.

The carpet was red and green, and the walls were stone brick. It was too cramped for Mellohi, and the ceiling was too low. She climbed down the ladder, where most of the animals were.

She fed the cows and chickens, farmed the wheat and sugarcane, and refilled the wolves' food and water bowls. They wagged their tails loyally as she went back up the ladder.

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