Chapter 5: Spirits in the Snow

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It was dark.

Mellohi blinked, but no matter how hard she did, it was still dark.

She rubbed her eyes. Her blindfold was missing. It was still dark.

She stretched her senses as far as they would go. Nothing. It was still dark.

Was she blind? No. She vaguely remembered being stabbed. Oh, how it hurt. She didn't think there could be a pain worse than that.

Then, out of nowhere, a light.

Three red hearts floated unmoving in front of her. They glowed softly, like that of a redstone torch. They were pristine. Spotless. Perfect.

They wavered, almost like a glitch. Mellohi blinked again, and the left heart faded to grey. In the center was a wound scarily similar to that of a sword. Deep burgundy blood dripped steadily from the hole.

Two lives left.

Mellohi shot awake with a gasp. She was back in Phil's cabin. It was empty.

She clutched her chest, panting heavily, feeling for any sort of wound, but she found nothing. All that was left was a hideous scar. She could feel it under her clothes.

Her armor was gone. Her weapons were gone. All she had on was a fuzzy purple sweater and comfortable black pants.

A desperate shout reached her ears. She staggered to her feet and stumbled to the window, still in a state of shock. Outside, in the snow, was Tommy and Philza. What were they shouting about?

Mellohi threw on her cloak and her boots and shuffled into the snow. She wobbled a little bit as she descended the stairs, but recovered soon enough.

"What's going on?" she asked when she got closer. Philza was clutching Tommy to his chest and staring angrily at something in the distance. Mellohi followed his gaze, and her blood froze.

A fresh, brand new smiling mask. No hint of cracks or fissures. No recollection of the torture it went through. Dream didn't intend on leaving Tommy—or her, for that matter—alone.

The maniac slunk back into the shadows after glancing directly at her, leaving nothing but footprints and terror in his wake.

"He's going to kill me!" Tommy wailed against his father. "Over and over and over again!"

"Tommy, calm down," Phil hushed soothingly. "I won't let him hurt you."

"Nor will I," Mellohi piped up. Nobody responded.

Was she a ghost? She couldn't be dead. Dream stared right at her. She still had two lives. So why wasn't anyone reacting?

A shout. Phil glanced behind him, and Mellohi followed suit. It was her brother.

His outfit was now stained red with blood. His crown was lopsided, and his short hair was in disarray. But the things he was carrying made Mellohi's heart stop.

In his arms was her body. On his back was Ranboo's headless corpse. Hovering beside him were three translucent people, two boys and one girl.

Philza's eyes widened in horror. He left Tommy and rushed over to Technoblade frantically. He passed right through Mellohi.

"What happened!?" he fretted. Technoblade paused, his face dark and mournful.

"Sam killed them," he choked out, and that's when Mellohi noticed the tears staining his face. "He murdered them in cold blood."

His sadness struck Mellohi like a gong. She padded forward, reaching out to him. She desperately wanted to comfort him, to love him.

"No, Mellohi," the first person said, grabbing her wrist.

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