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WOWWWW...LOOK AT HIM. Walking so confidently with his group of friends that practically worship him like their leader. His hands stuffed in the pockets of his black uniform pants. His short sleeve shirt revealing his thin yet fit pale arms. The scorching hot summer sun beaming on his clear skin oh-so perfectly. The breeze blowing through his silky black hair. You know what fresh May air smells like? When it smells like fresh cut grass and refreshing lemonade and hose water? He looks like how May smells. Does that make sense? Probably not—

"Y/N!!!!" I hear someone scream my name. I turn to the direction of the voice, and immediately duck when a soccer ball is flying my way. I drop to my knees and dramatically look up to my friends, panting.

"You spaced out! Get your head in the game!!"
Chang-min laughs at me, him and a couple other of my classmates helping me up and dragging me across the field to continue playing defense. I sigh and roll my eyes.

I know what you're thinking. Y/n, are you in love with that boy you just described? I mean, you spaced out while admiring him and how he looks like May smells!

No. I do not like him. Not at all.

As I'm running across the grass, I glance over to see him meet up with his friends to play a game of catch.

Yang Jungwon. President of our high school's student council. Most popular boy at our school and in our small, close-knit town. Fawned over by both girls and boys. Straight A student. Teachers pet, even. Athletic ace. Knowledgeable book work. Basically,


And it makes me boil with rage.

Our soccer game finally ends when the opposing team makes a score, my team groaning and sighing. I stop running and put my hands over my head, whining. "Aghhhh it's so hot!! Why do I even play in the heat everyday!"

"Because we've gotta keep you in shape!! You never wanna be active!!" My friend Sasha runs up behind me and kicks me in the back. I choke and nearly fall over, but Chang-min catches my arm and forces me to stand up straight.

"You barely even did anything y/n. How are you sweating so much?" He teases me, and the three of us sit on the stairs that connect the field to the entrance of the back of the high school.

I turn and glare at him, Chang-min tying his blonde mullet hair into a half up-half down style. "I just told you why! It's 300 degrees outside!" I whine again. Sarah sits on the step below us, laughing.

"Summer break is a month away! You've gotta get yourself in shape for bathing suit season!"

"You know I'm not wearing anything like that." I hiss, wiping sweat off my legs and brushing it back onto my black skirt.

My body isn't bad at all. I mean, I look fit despite being so out of shape. But that's not the issue...Its my looks.

Well. I'm not totally ugly. I mean, the light amount of makeup I wear saves my beauty, and my shoulder-length hair frames my face perfectly and gives me a very mature facade. The issue is—

twelve-eighteen ᝰ yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now